Planning | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Multi-well Pads are selected in a manner which allows for resource extraction while maintaining the highest and equidistant measurements from offsetting residential areas while also honoring the wishes of the surface owner. Bayswater utilizes flood plain information, COGCC setbacks, development strategies, economics, mechanical and well bore integrity, safety, traffic, geology and operations life cycles among other items when planning horizontal sites. Bayswater plans extended reach laterals when possible to minimize the number of disturbance areas and the number of multi-well sites. The use of existing pad sites, access roads and the proximity to pipelines all play important roles in site selection. Additionally, Bayswater looks at the torque and drag on drilling operations to see what the limitations are on site selection compared to landing points of the laterals. Bayswater will continue to be in close communication with Surface Owner(s) with respect to land use consideration, construction and drilling rig move in date. A meeting with the surface owner will determine the fencing and sound wall plan.
A meeting with the land owner will help determine any changes to fencing or culverts. |
Community Outreach and Notification | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Operator will also provide a toll-free hotline to all Building Unit Owners in the area if they have any complaints. |
Pre-Construction | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Identification of plugged and abandoned wells will be identified pursuant to 319.a.(5) |
Traffic control | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Access Roads: Bayswater plans to utilize an existing farm field entrance. The access can be improved upon to accommodate drilling and completions operations trucks as wells as local emergency vehicles. Bayswater has implemented traffic signs at our entrances and exits from pads to suggest traffic patterns and also for speed control. Traffic from this pad will be directed north. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Visual Impacts: Equipment observable from any public highway, regardless of construction date, shall be painted with uniform, non-contrasting, non-reflective color tones (similar to the Munsell Soil Color Coding System), and with colors matched to, but slightly darker than, the surrounding landscape.
Maintain appearance with garbage clean-up; a trash bin will be located on site to accumulate waste by the personnel drilling the wells. Site will have unused equipment, trash and junk removed immediately. Operator shall keep the Surface Use Area as well as any roads or other areas used by Operator safe and in good order, including control of noxious weeds litter and debris. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Use water bars, and other measures to prevent erosion and non-source pollution. Implement and maintain BMPs to control storm water runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, and site degradation. Co-locate gas
and water gathering lines whenever feasible, and mitigate any erosion problems that arise due to the construction of any pipeline(s). |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Leak Detention Plan: Pumper will visit the location daily and visually inspect all wellheads and fittings for leaks. Additionally, annual documented SPCCP inspections are conducted pursuant to 40 CFR 112.
Control of fire hazards: All material that is considered a fire hazard shall be a minimum of 25’ from the wellhead. Electrical equipment shall comply with API IRP 500 and will comply with the current national electrical code.
Operator shall comply with state and federal laws, rules and regulations governing the presence of any petroleum products, toxic or hazardous chemicals or wastes on the Subject lands. |
Dust control | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Operator shall employ practices for control of fugitive dust caused by their operations. Such practices shall include but are not limited to the use of speed restrictions, regular road maintenance, restriction of construction activity during high- wind days, and silica dust controls when handling sand used in hydraulic fracturing operations. Bayswater additionally has implemented the use of traffic signs when leaving the location to remind drivers of specific routes to utilize. Additional management practices such as road surfacing, wind breaks and barriers, or automation of wells to reduce truck traffic may also be required if technologically feasible and economically reasonable to minimize fugitive dust emissions. |
Construction | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Guy line anchors: All guy line anchors shall be brightly marked pursuant to Rule 604.c.(2)Q. |
Construction | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Operator will post a copy of the approved Form 2A and associated Form 4s on location.
Operator will survey the wells after construction to ensure COGCC setbacks have been maintained.
Noise mitigation | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Operator will provide engineered noise abatement sound walls to comply with COGCC requirements. Sound walls will be installed for the duration of drilling and completion activities per third party sound modeling studies.
Baseline studies will be conducted prior to commencement of construction and dirt work, which includes both A and C scale measurements. A sound model will be developed with the drilling rig and completion operations noise signatures. Bayswater has recently acquired a new rig signature for the Frontier # 8 rig with hospital grade mufflers. This signature information is available upon request. Various height sound walls will be engineered and installed where required and necessary. Temporary Ibeams will be installed for walls 20’ and higher. Sound walls themselves, a combination of STC-32 and STC-25 Acoustical Barrier Blankets, will be implemented. Both drilling and completion operations will be conducted within these sound walls. 10’-16’ portable walls will be used to dampen gen-sets, if necessary, pursuant to
sound model results. Additionally, sound blankets may be utilized in and around the rig floor to dampen noise from the draw works. Operator is investigating the possibility of powering the drill site by electricity. |
Emissions mitigation | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Green Completions - Emission Control System: Test separators and associated flow lines and sand traps shall be installed to accommodate green completions techniques pursuant to COGCC Rules. Operator is working with midstream operators in the area. Operator will connect to a gas sales line prior to flowback and immediately direct salable quality gas down line. The flowback gas shall be thermally oxidized in an emissions control device (ECD), which will be installed and kept in operable condition for at least the first 90 days of production pursuant to CDPHE rules. This ECD shall have an adequate capacity for 1.5 times the largest flowback within a 10 mile radius, will be flanged to route gas to other or permanent oxidizing equipment, and shall be provided with the equipment needed to maintain combustion where non-combustible gases are present.
Odor mitigation | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
Oil and gas operations shall be in compliance with the Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Quality Control Commission, Regulation No. 2 Odor Emission, 5 C.C.R. 1001-4, Regulation No. 3 (5 C.C.R. 1001-5), and Regulation No. 7 Section XVII.B.1 (a-c) and Section XII. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | A closed –loop system will be used for drilling operations.
Blowout Prevention Equipment (“BOPE”): A double ram and annular preventer will be used during drilling. Stabbing valves shall be installed in the event of reverse circulation and shall be prior tested with low and high pressure fluid.
Lighting: Site lighting shall be directed downward and inward and shielded so as to avoid glare on public roads and Building Units within one thousand (1000) feet where possible. Once the drilling and completion rigs leave the site, there will be no permanently installed lighting on site.
Bradenhead Monitoring: Operator acknowledges and will comply with COGCC Policy for Bradenhead Monitoring during Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in the Greater Wattenberg Area dated May 29, 2012. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with open-hole Resistivity Log and Gamma Ray Log from the kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured-while-drilling gamma-ray log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run and have those logs attached.The Form 5 for a well without open-hole logs shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall clearly identify (by API#, well name & number) the well in which open-hole logs were run. |
Interim Reclamation | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Operator shall be responsible for segregating the topsoil, backfilling, repacking, reseeding, and recontouring the surface of any disturbed area so as not to interfere with Owner’s operations and shall reclaim such area to be returned to pre-existing
conditions as best as possible with control of all weeds. |
Final Reclamation | Form: (02 ) 401048780 9/28/2016 | Within 90 days subsequent to the time of plugging and abandonment of the entire site, superfluous debris and equipment shall be removed from the site. The Operator shall restore the surface of the Land affected by such terminated operations as near as possible to the previous state that existed prior to operations. |