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WELD  123
SWNW 10 5N64W 6
323125View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (02 )
Bradenhead tests shall be performed and reported according to the following schedule and Form 17 submitted within 10 days of each test.: 1) Within 60 days of rig release, prior to stimulation. 2) 6 months after rig release, prior to stimulation. 3) Within 30 days of first production, as reported on Form 5A.
EngineerForm: (02 )
1) Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU (Spud Notice), for the first well/activity on the pad and provide 48 hour spud notice for all subsequent wells drilled on the pad. 2) Comply with Rule 317.j and provide cement coverage from the end of production casing to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara. Verify coverage with cement bond log.
EngineerForm: (02 )
Operator acknowledges the proximity of the listed wells: Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1 or 2 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OFFSET MITIGATION COMPLETED”) for the remediated wells, referencing the API number of the proposed horizontal well(s) stating what appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well. BLOSKAS 12-9 (API NO 123-19366)BLOSKAS 1 (API NO 123-11495) BLOSKAS 9-23 (API NO 123-19935)BOND 32-9 (API NO 123-19462) HECKENDORF 1 (API NO 123-12027)HEINRICH 41-9 (API NO 123-20042) MILLAGE 11-10 (API NO 123-20072)WACKER 1 (API NO 123-12591) WACKER 10-D (API NO 123-20294)
EngineerForm: (02 )
Operator acknowledges the proximity of the following non-operated listed wells: Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1 or 2 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OFFSET MITIGATION COMPLETED”) for the remediated wells, referencing the API number of the proposed horizontal well(s) stating what appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well. BAUER 9-1 (API NO 123-12217)JURGENS 8-1 (API NO 123-12215) JURGENS-PM B B8-10 (API NO 123-14048)PAULINE 5 (API NO 123-12903) TREBOR B10-11 (API NO 123-13391)WILLIAMS 1 (API NO 123-12077)
PermitForm: (02 )
This Permit to Drill is approved subject to all the BMPs and COAs on the most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequently approved Form 4 for the Oil and Gas Location. The most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequent Form 4s containing applicable COAs for this location shall be posted onsite during construction, drilling, and completions operations.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Prior to starting bradenhead abatement, if a sample has not been collected within the last twelve months collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples. 3. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Operator will implement measures to get an initial estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. The abatement program may be used for six consecutive months. 4. Operator will submit a Form 42 (“OTHER”) stating that “bradenhead abatement program has started.” 5. At the conclusion of the six months, conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, flow rate information, pressure data and a discussion of the sample analysis.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator will implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. 3. By 2/14/24, conduct a bradenhead test, submit a Form 17, and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The Form 17 shall be completed within 30 days preceeding the sundry due date. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data. 4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor and collect data to characterize build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test. 5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator will implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. 3. By 5/23/24, conduct a bradenhead test, submit a Form 17, and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data. 4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor and collect data to characterize build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test. 5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the ECMC within three months of collecting the samples
EngineerForm: (04 )
This well may be returned to annual testing and monthly monitoring. If at any point in the future bradenhead conditions meet thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead mitigation sundry must be filed.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).E. Multiwell Pads: This 2A application is for a 11-well pad. PDC chose this site as it minimized interference with Mr. Wacker's farm ground at the west end of the field, with production facility at bottom of field. PDC will also be able to utilize two existing PDC batteries and will be able to meet engineering kick requirements for the 11 one-mile lateral wells. We were unable to work out an acceptable pad and battery layout on neighbor to north (Millage).
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).V. Development From Existing Well Pads: An existing pad was not available to utilize to develop these wells.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).I. BOPE Testing for Drilling Operations: PDC's contractors will supply a double ram BOPE (Blinds and pipes). BOPE is always function tested and all seals and ram block rubbers are inspected. After installation of the BOPE, PDCE conducts a pressure test on the BOPE at a low pressure of (200-400 psi) and a high pressure test with a third party tester, all tests are digitally recorded and any failed equipment or seals are replaced and re-tested.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).J. BOPE for Well Servicing Operations: All valves will also be tested to maximum rating by a third party prior to being delivered to location. Whenever snubbing operations are being used the snubbing stack will be pressure tested at the same time the BOPE is being tested which consist of a single pipe ram and a annular bag.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).U. Identification of Plugged and Abandoned Wells: Pursuant to rule 319.a.(5)., once the well has been plugged and abandoned, PDC will identify the location of the wellbore with a permanent monument that will detail the well name and date of plugging.
Traffic controlForm: (02 )
"604c.(2).S. Access Roads: PDC will utilize an improved lease access road off of County Road 55.5 (gravel) for all heavy truck traffic and rig moves along with drilling operations and maintenance equipment. The lease access road will be properly constructed and maintained to accommodate for local emergency vehicle access. Dust will be mitigated as necessary on lease access road. "
Traffic controlForm: (02 )
604c.(2).D. Traffic Plan: If required by the local government, a traffic plan will be coordinated with the local jurisdiction prior to commencement of operations.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
604c.(2).N. Control of Fire Hazards: PDC will ensure that any material that might be deemed a fire hazard will be will remain no less than twenty-five (25) feet from the wellhead(s), tanks and separator(s). PDC installs automation equipment for tank level and pressure monitoring inside the bermed area that complies with API RP 500 classifications and with the current national electrical code as adopted by the State of Colorado.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
604c.(2).P. Removal of Surface Trash: A commercial size trash bin for removing debris will be located on site. This bin will be for use by all parties affiliated with the operation.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
604c.(2).T. Well Site Cleared: The wellsite will be cleared of all non-essential equipment within ninety (90) days after all wells associated with the pad have been plugged and abandoned.
Dust controlForm: (02 )
805.b(1)-(c) Odors and Dust: Oil and gas facilities and equipment will operate in a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. Odors: Oil and gas operations will be in compliance with the Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Quality Control Commission, Regulation No. 2 Odor Emission, 5 C.C.R. 1001-4, Regulation No. 3 (5 C.C.R. 1001-5), and Regulation No. 7 Section XVII.B.1 (a-c) and Section XII. Dust; PDC will employ practices for control of fugitive dust caused by operations include but not limited to the use of speed restrictions, regular road maintenance, restriction of construction activity during high-wind days, and silica dust controls when handling sand used in hydraulic fracturing operations. When necessary, PDC coordinates dust mitigation with the county on gravel roads, places road base where allowed by surface owner around tanks and wellheads to minimize dust, and will water the roads and locations when dry. In addition, automation is used on all new wells to minimize truck traffic.
ConstructionForm: (02 )
604c.(2).M. Fencing Requirements: The completed wellsites will be surrounded with a fence and gate. PDC personnel will monitor the wellsites regularly upon completion of the wells. Authorized representatives and/or PDC personnel shall be on-site during drilling and completion operations.
ConstructionForm: (02 )
604c.(2).O. Loadlines: All loadlines shall be bullplugged or capped.
ConstructionForm: (02 )
604c.(2).Q. Guy Line Anchors: Rig guy wires are anchored to the rig’s base beam that the rig stands on, temporary and permanent anchors will not be set on this location.
Noise mitigationForm: (02 )
"604c.(2).A. Noise: WELL PAD: PDC has conducted baseline noise surveys for all drilling rigs that are being contracted and has also conducted a baseline noise survey for hydraulic fracture stimulation operations on a representative horizontal well. These baseline surveys are utilized for site specific noise modeling to determine if any mitigation measures are warranted. A review was conducted to identify potential receptors within 1000 feet of the proposed pad site. There is one (1) building unit of concern located 612' SW. Light and sound mitigation will be installed to the Southwest of the proposed location. Methods of noise mitigation shall include but not be limited to hay bales, sound walls, or customized semi-trailers. PRODUCTION FACILITIES: It is not anticipated that noise mitigation will be necessary at the proposed tank battery location. After construction is completed, equipment installed and production begins, noise levels will be assessed to determine if mitigation measures will be required to be compliant with Rule 802. "
Emissions mitigationForm: (02 )
604c.(2).C. Green Completions: Flowlines, 48” HLPs, sand traps all capable of supporting green completions as described in rule 805 shall be installed at any Oil and Gas location at which commercial quantities of gas and or oil are reasonable expected to be produced based on existing wells. All green flow back equipment will be able to handle more than 1.5 times the amount of any know volumes in the surrounding field. First sign of salable gas will be put into production equipment and turned down line.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).K. Pit Level Indicators: PDC uses an Electronic Drilling Recorder (EDR) with pit level monitor(s) and alarm(s) for production rigs. Basic level gages are used on steel pits utilized for the surface rig.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).L. Drill Stem Tests: PDC does not conduct drill stem tests, but will seek prior approval from the director if a drill stem test will be preformed.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Prior to drilling operations, Operator will perform an anti-collision scan of existing offset wells that have the potential of being within close proximity of the proposed well. This anti-collision scan will include definitive MWD or gyro surveys of the offset wells with included error of uncertainty per survey instrument, and compared against the proposed wellpath with its respective error of uncertainty. If current surveys do not exist for the offset wells, Operator may have gyro surveys conducted to verify bottomhole location. The proposed well will only be drilled if the anti-collision scan results indicate that there is not a risk for collision, or harm to people or the environment. For the proposed well, upon conclusion of drilling operations, an as-constructed gyro survey will be submitted to COGCC with the Form 5.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Operator will comply with COGCC Policy for Bradenhead Monitoring During Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in the Greater Wattenberg Area dated May 29, 2012. The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) has established this Policy Regarding Bradenhead Monitoring During Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments (“Treatment”) in the Greater Wattenberg Area (“GWA”) pursuant to COGCC 207.a. (“Policy”). This Policy applies to oil and gas operations in the GWA as defined by the COGCC Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with Cased hole Pulsed Neutron Log with Gamma Ray Log from kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured while-drilling gamma-ray log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run in that well and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for each well shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall reference the Rule 317.p Exception granted for the well.