Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400422847 8/8/2013 | 1) Provide 48 hour notice prior to spud via electronic Form 42.
2) Provide cement coverage to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara. Verify coverage with
cement bond log.
3) Run and submit Directional Survey from TD to base of surface casing. Ensure that
the wellbore complies with setback requirements in commission orders or rules prior to
producing the well. |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400422847 9/11/2013 | Operator acknowledges the proximity of the following wells: (123-11572, Cuykendall #1-
31). Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1, 2 or 3 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal
Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted
based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OTHER – AS
SPECIFIED BY PERMIT CONDITION”) stating what appropriate mitigation occurred
and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well. |