Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400457430 10/3/2013 | 1)Note surface casing setting depth change from 877’ to 1000’. Increase cement coverage accordingly and cement to surface.
2)Provide notice of MIRU via an electronic Form 42.
3)Comply with Rule 317.i and provide cement coverage from the 7” casing TD to a minimum of 200' above the Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with a cement bond log.
4)Operator acknowledges the proximity of the Wagner Red VV22-8 (API# 123-16668), Wagner Red VV 22-7 (API #123-16667), Albert Sack Unit/NAV/2 (API #123-15327), Moser C Unit 1 (API #123-10488), Dorothy Sebold Unit 1 (API #123-08119), Grenemeyer 1 (API #123-07152), and UPRR 42 Pan AM K 2 (API #123-09215) wells. Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1, 2 or 3 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OTHER – AS SPECIFIED BY PERMIT CONDITION”) stating what appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well.
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 402794659 9/13/2021 | 1) Operator will implement measures to capture, combust, or control emissions to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from subsequent well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public health, welfare and the environment. Due to proximity of building units (BUs) all blowdown gases will be controlled.
2) Prior to commencing operations, at a minimum, the operator will provide an informational sheet to the owners/occupants of BUs that are adjacent to the parcel on which the well is located. The sheet will include the operator's contact information and the nature, timing, and expected duration of the subsquent well operations. |