Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400180062 9/25/2011 | 1) Provide 24 hour notice of MIRU to Jim Precup at 303-469-1902 or e-mail at
2) Comply with Rule 317.i and provide cement coverage from TD to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with cement bond log.
3) Comply with Rule 321. Run and submit Directional Survey from TD to base of surface casing. Ensure that the wellbore complies with setback requirements in commission orders or rules prior to producing the well.
Permit | Form: (02 ) 400180062 9/30/2011 | Operator must meet water well testing requirements per Rule 318A.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401092830 8/22/2016 | The bradenhead test installation can be used for 30 days, then shut-in for 7 days and a new Bradenhead Test Form 17 performed. This procedure may be repeated up to three cycles. At the conclusion of the cycles, if pressure still exists, a remediation plan will be required.
Within the first 30 days of test installation:
1) Bradenhead test shall be performed and Form 17 submitted within 10 days of the test.
2) Collect both production and bradenhead gas samples for laboratory analysis of gas composition and stable carbon isotopes. The compositional analysis at a minimum shall include Hydrogen, Argon, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Methane, Ethene, Ethane, Propene, Propane, Isobutane, Butane, Isopentane, Pentane, Hexanes +, Specific Gravity and British Thermal Units (BTU). Stable carbon isotope analysis shall include delta DC1, delta 13C1, delta 13C2, delta 13C3, delta 13IC4, delta 13NC4, delta 13IC5 (If Possible), delta 13NC5 (If Possible), delta 13C6+ (If Possible). And stable isotopes of CO2 if possible (delta 13 CO2 and Delta 18O CO2). Copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the COGCC in an approved electronic data deliverable format within three (3) months of collecting the samples.
3) If any liquids are present in the Bradenhead contact COGCC for additional sampling requirements. |
Engineer | Form: (06 ) 401097553 9/14/2016 | 1) Due to past bradenhead pressure; within 30 days prior to starting plugging operations, a bradenhead test shall be performed. The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test. Within six months prior to plugging, collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. The gas analysis shall be for composition and stable carbon isotopes. The compositional analysis at a minimum shall include Hydrogen, Argon, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Methane, Ethene, Ethane, Propene, Propane, Isobutane, Butane, Isopentane, Pentane, Hexanes +, Specific Gravity and British Thermal Units (BTU). Stable carbon isotope analysis shall include delta DC1, delta 13C1, delta 13C2, delta 13C3, delta 13IC4, delta 13NC4, delta 13IC5 (if possible), delta 13NC5 (if possible), delta 13C6+ (if possible) and stable isotopes of CO2 if possible. If water is encountered in the bradenhead then collect samples, analysis of the liquid samples shall be conducted to provide an evaluation of the liquid source. Submit for the laboratory analysis of major anions (chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, and sulfate), cations (sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) total dissolved solids (TDS), BTEX, DRO, GRO and dissolved gasses (RSK 175). If there is a limited amount of water available then anions, cations and BTEX should be given first priority. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples in an approved electronic data deliverable format.
2) Provide 48 hour notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42.
3) Properly abandon flowlines as per Rule 1103. File electronic Form 42 once abandonment complete.
4) Wellbore diagram does not show cement on CIBP at 8575' but two sacks will be put on top. Additional plug added to procedure. Submit updated wellbore diagram of actual plugging with Form 6 Subsequent Report of Abandonment.
5) NOTE CHANGES TO PROCEDURE- Must add a plug to isolate the J-sand. Add a plug at 8485'. This plug should also cover DV tool at 8423'. Production casing stub plug is also surface casing shoe plug. After pumping stub/shoe plug, shut down and wait on cement at minimum 4 hours. Verify gas migration has been eliminated, if evidence of gas flow remains call COGCC for an update to plugging orders. Plug must be tagged at 990' or shallower. |