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WELD  123
NWNE 33 1N66W 6
332438View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (02 )
1) Provide 24 hour notice of MIRU to Jim Precup at 303-469-1902 or e-mail at 2) Comply with Rule 317.i and provide cement coverage from TD to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara. Verify coverage with cement bond log. 3) Comply with Rule 321. Run and submit Directional Survey from TD to base of surface casing. Ensure that the wellbore complies with setback requirements in commission orders or rules prior to producing the well.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Adjusted surface casing stub plug TOC to 1169' for aquifer isolation. Adjust cement accordingly.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well plugging operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
EngineerForm: (06 )
1) Provide 48 hour notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42. 2) Prior to placing the 1640' plug: verify that all fluid migration (liquid or gas) has been eliminated. If evidence of fluid migration or pressure remains, contact COGCC Engineer for an update to plugging orders. 3) After isolation has been verified, pump plug and displace. If cement is not circulated to surface, shut-in, WOC 4 hours then tag plug – must be at 1169' or shallower and provide 10 sack plug at surface. 4) Leave at least 100’ of cement in the wellbore for each plug. 5) Properly abandon on-location flowlines as per Rule 1105. File electronic Form 42 once abandonment is complete. Within 30 days of an operator completing abandonment requirements for an off-location flowline or crude oil transfer line, the operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44.
EngineerForm: (06 )
If there has not been a reported Bradenhead test within 60 days of plugging this well, prior to starting plugging operations, a Bradenhead test shall be performed. 1) If, before opening the Bradenhead valve, the beginning pressure is greater than 25 psi, sampling is required, and the COGCC engineering staff must be contacted. 2) If pressure remains at the conclusion of the test, or if any liquids were present during the test, sampling is required. 3) If sampling is required contact COGCC engineering for a confirmation of plugging requirements prior to placing any plugs. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions. The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test.
PermitForm: (06 )
Subbmit Operator's Monthly Production Reports (Form 7) required for compliance with Rule 309 within 30 days. Missing 5/2014, 8/2014, 12/2019.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well plugging operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
EngineerForm: (06 )
1) Provide 48 hour notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42. 2) Prior to placing the 1550' plug: verify that all fluid migration (liquid or gas) has been eliminated. If evidence of fluid migration or pressure remains, contact COGCC Engineer for an update to plugging orders. 3) After isolation has been verified, pump plug and displace. If cement is not circulated to surface, shut-in, WOC 4 hours then tag plug – must be at 1119' or shallower and provide 10 sack plug at surface. 4) Leave at least 100’ of cement in the wellbore for each plug. 5) Properly abandon on-location flowlines as per Rule 1105. File electronic Form 42 once abandonment is complete. Within 30 days of an operator completing abandonment requirements for an off-location flowline or crude oil transfer line, the operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44. 6) With the Form 6 SRA operator must provide written documentation which positively affirms each COA has been addressed. 7) After placing the shallowest hydrocarbon isolating plug (7550'), operator must wait a sufficient time to confirm static conditions. If at any time after placing this plug there is evidence of pressure or of fluid migration, contact COGCC engineering before continuing operations.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Prior to starting plugging operations a bradenhead test shall be performed if there has not been a reported bradenhead test within the 60 days immediately preceding the start of plugging operations. 1) If, before opening the bradenhead valve, the beginning pressure is greater than 25 psi, sampling is required. 2) If pressure remains at the conclusion of the test, or if any liquids were present during the test, sampling is required. The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions. If samples are collected, copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the COGCC within three (3) months of collecting the samples. If there is a need for sampling, contact COGCC engineering for verification of plugging procedure.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Prior to starting bradenhead abatement, if a sample has not been collected within the last twelve months collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples. 3. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Operator will implement measures to get an initial estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. The abatement program may be used for six consecutive months. 4. Operator will submit a Form 42 (“OTHER”) stating that “bradenhead abatement program has started.” 5. At the conclusion of the six months, conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, flow rate information, pressure data and a discussion of the sample analysis. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator will implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. 3. Within thirty days of 01/31/2025, conduct a bradenhead test, submit a Form 17, and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data. 4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor and collect data to characterize build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test. 5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the ECMC within three months of collecting the samples.
EngineerForm: (04 )
1. Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. 2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to the specified abatement system. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator shall implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. 3. Within thirty days of 01/30/2026, submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data. 4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test. 5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the ECMC within three months of collecting the samples.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02 )
Stormwater management plans (SWMP) are in place to address construction, drilling and operations associated with Oil & Gas development throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and General Permit No. COR-038637. BMP’s will be constructed around the perimeter of the site prior to, or at the beginning of construction. BMP’s used will vary according to the location and will remain in place until the pad reaches final reclamation.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
General housekeeping will consist of neat and orderly storage of materials and fluids. Wastes will be temporarily stored in sealed containers and regularly collected and disposed of at offsite, suitable facilities. If spills occur, prompt cleanup is required to minimize any commingling of waste materials with stormwater runoff. Routine maintenance will be limited to fueling and lubrication of equipment. Drip pans will be used during routine fueling and maintenance to contain spills or leaks. Any waste product from maintenance will be containerized and transported offsite for disposal or recycling. There will be no major equipment overhauls conducted onsite. Equipment will be transported offsite for major overhauls. Cleanup of trash and discarded materials will be conducted at the end of each work day. Cleanup will consist of patrolling the roadway, access areas, and other work areas to pick up trash, scrap debris, other discarded materials, and any contaminated soil. These materials will be disposed of properly.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans are in place to address any possible spill associated with Oil & Gas operations throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with CFR 112.