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Facility TypeFacility ID/
Facility Name/
Operator Name/
StatusField Name/
LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
WELL05-103-12291Rio Blanco Fed
0297-33-28-4 NH
NESW 33 2N97W 6
398432View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (02 )
1)Operator shall comply with the most current revision of the Northwest Notification Policy. 2) Oil-based drilling fluid is to be used only after all fresh water aquifers are covered. 3)Operator shall provide cement coverage from the intermediate casing shoe (9 5/8" FIRST STRING) to a minimum of 200' above the surface casing shoe to provide isolation of all Cretaceous (including Mesaverde Group) oil, gas, and water-bearing sandstone and coalbed formations that are not otherwise covered by surface casing. Verify intermediate casing cement coverage with a cement bond log. 4)Operator acknowledges the proximity of the listed well. Operator agrees to provide mitigation option 4 (per the Statewide Horizontal Offset Policy) based on preferred frac planes in the area to mitigate the situation. In summary: For the Rio Blanco Fed 0297-33-28-1 NH and 2 NH, the fracs in the lateral should not intersect the WRD 23-33 wellbore. That is, the most heelward stage/frac in the 2 NH should not come closer than 800’ or so of the WRD 23-33, and the most heelward stage/frac of the 1 NH should not come closer than several thousand feet of that wellbore. For the Rio Blanco Fed 0297-33-28-3 NH In order to avoid the WRD 23-33 wellbore/s, Operator will not complete the first (most heelward) 400’ of the lateral. That is, from landing point + 400’, there would not be a frac stage. By eliminating frac stages, the WRD 23-33 wellbores should not get a “hit”. Same concept for the Rio Blanco Fed 0297-33-28-4 NH. In this case, Operator will not complete the first 1500’ (most heelward) of the lateral. That is, from landing point (as currently planned) + 1500’, there would be no frac stages. WRD #23-33 API #103-11814.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
Traffic controlForm: (02 )
A. In an effort to minimize disturbance, equipment and vehicles will be confined to the proposed access. Existing roads will be maintained and kept in the same condition as previously approved, with the exception of existing unimproved road segments which will be upgraded if required by landowner agreements. All improved access roads and associated structures will be constructed or reconstructed to the minimum standards in Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Manual 9113-Roads and BLM Manual 9112- Bridges and Major Culverts unless otherwise approved by the BLM. B. Reduced Speed Signs will be used where necessary. During the initial planning of the project, Anschutz utilized the following practices to minimize the total disturbance of the project. i. Where possible, the proposed pad location was placed near an existing improved access road with only short proposed approaches to the location. ii. Access road widths were kept to the minimum safe width appropriate for vehicle volume. iii. Wells were co-located on a pad where possible to reduce the total number of well pads required. iv. Horizontal wells were planned with extended laterals when possible to reduce the total number of wells drilled within a lease as well as the total number of pads and associated access, thereby reducing overall surface disturbances.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
Handling Waste A. All wells proposed on the Rio Blanco Pad will be drilled using a semi-closed loop system. i. Anschutz plans on using both freshwater and Oil Based Mud (OBM) systems to drill the wells. B. A third-party service company approved by the COGCC will be contracted to manage, treat, and dispose of all drilling related wastes associated with proposed wells. C. As the drill cuttings move off the shaker, they will be properly screened, chemically treated with a drying agent, and placed into metal storage containers. The containers are then hauled off by a third-party service company. D. There will not be a reserve pit on proposed pads. Drilling fluids will be hauled and disposed of in a manner approved by the BLM Authorized Officer. i. Upon completion of drilling operations, any remaining oil-based fluids would be removed from the well location and either recycled into the OBM system on a subsequent well or disposed of in accordance with BLM and/or COGCC rules and regulations. E. At any given time, Anschutz proposes to truck waste from Flowback fluids, Completion/stimulation frac waters, and produced water to one or more individually permitted by the CDEQ disposal wells and or evaporation ponds, depending on which facilities are accepting fluids on that particular day. F. No trash will be buried on location. A covered trash container will be on site during all drilling/completion operations to contain trash, and this will be hauled off location within thirty (30) days of well completion to an approved landfill. G. A portable, self-contained chemical toilet will be provided for human waste disposal during drilling and completion operations. Upon completion of operations, or as required, the toilet holding tank will be pumped and the contents disposed of in an approved sewage disposal facility. It will be removed within ten (10) days following well completion or any future workover operations.
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02 )
A. Temporary controls may be used in conjunction with permanent controls around draws, or at locations where erosion hazards are high. BMPs will be used as designed for the specific areas to reduce any migration of soils onto and off of site. Energy dissipating controls will be installed at culverts and other areas that have the potential for increasing the concentration of water volume and velocity that could increase erosion. B. Drainage dips, ditch relief culverts, and water wings, when used, will be spaced and placed to divert water flow off the graded rights-of-way onto well-vegetated areas with low erosion potential. C. Non-structural Practices Spoils excavated will be stored in a manner to prevent displacement. Wattles or other adequate erosion control practices will be implemented around the spoils to minimize erosion. Interim stabilization controls will be used throughout construction and after construction until a permanent vegetative cover is in place. All Best Management Practices (BMPs) employed will be designed to withstand a twenty-five (25) year weather event. The type and frequency of BMPs used will be determined by slope, topography, soil types, vegetation and potential of runoff from adjacent areas that could affect the overall performance of the controls. Structural Practices-Surface water diversion ditches, when used, will be constructed above and below the disturbed area to intercept water. Diversion ditches will be designed to discharge runoff into well vegetated areas or locations with a low erosion potential. Water bars or wings, when used, will be spaced and placed to divert water flow off disturbed areas and onto well-vegetated areas. Temporary controls may be used in conjunction with permanent controls around spoil piles, draws, or at locations where erosion hazards are high. BMPs will be used as designed for the specific areas to reduce any migration of soils off site. Energy dissipating controls will be installed at culverts and other areas that have the potential for increasing the concentration of water volume and velocity that could increase erosion. D. Rat and mouse holes will be backfilled on release of the completion rig from the location. Backfilling, leveling and re-contouring are planned as soon as reasonably possible following drilling and completion operations. Fill slopes will be smoothed and reshaped to near pre-disturbed conditions to match the native contour. Fill slopes will be restored to cuts and blended or reshaped into large natural berms that provided visual and storm water benefits. If damage to reclaimed areas occurs as a result of well operations and maintenance, including work over operations, affected areas will be reclaimed again following operations.
ConstructionForm: (02 )
A. Construction activity may be restricted due to weather, wildlife stipulations, or constraints placed on the leaseholder in the area by federal and/or state agencies. Pad and road construction is usually completed within a short time frame with permanent controls installed once the construction activities are completed. B. Construction Specifications i. The areas to be excavated or occupied by fill shall be cleared and grubbed of all vegetation, boulders, and debris. All such material will be disposed of by stacking, piling, windrowing, removal from site, or other approved methods. ii. Clearing of vegetation should be kept to the minimum necessary for construction plus the installation of sediment controls. The areas to be excavated or occupied by fill shall be cleared and grubbed of all vegetation, boulders, and debris. All such material will be disposed of by stacking, piling, windrowing, removal from site, or other approved methods C. Site Stabilization During Construction i. Controls such as roughening, seeding, re-vegetation, and reclamation practices will use the designated seed mix and be monitored and drilled to maximize the potential for germination. ii. Waterways of the state will be protected with barriers of vegetation, berms, silt fence, or other techniques listed to prevent disturbed soils from migrating off site. iii. Fill material will be placed in compacted lifts or layers over the length of the fill. Each lift shall be compacted by compaction equipment such as a sheep’s foot or pad roller, with compaction to visible non-movement of the embankment material. Compaction efforts shall not exceed optimum moisture limits. Each lift shall be adequately compacted before beginning the next lift.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Rule 317.p – Requirements to log well: One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with open hole Resistivity Log and Gamma Ray Log from the kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured-while-drilling gamma-ray log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for a well without open-hole logs shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall clearly identify (by API#, well name & number) the well in which open hole logs were run.