Planning | Form: (02 ) 400459297 12/27/2013 | * Share/consolidate corridors for pipeline ROWs to the maximum extent possible.
* Minimize newly planned activities and operations within 300 feet of the ordinary high water mark of any reservoir, lake,
wetland, or natural perennial or seasonally flowing stream or river.
* Locate roads outside of drainages where possible and outside of riparian habitat.
* Avoid constructing any road segment in the channel of an intermittent or perennial stream
* Minimize the number, length, and footprint of oil and gas development roads
* Use existing roads where possible
* Combine utility infrastructure (gas, electric, and water) planning with roadway planning to avoid separate utility corridors
* Combine and share roads to minimize habitat fragmentation
* Maximize the use of directional drilling to minimize habitat loss/fragmentation
* Maximize use of remote completion/frac operations to minimize traffic
* Maximize use of remote telemetry for well monitoring to minimize traffic
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 400459297 12/27/2013 | * Use centralized hydraulic fracturing operations.
* Install and maintain adequate measures to exclude all types of wildlife (e.g., big game, birds, and small rodents) from all fluid
pits (e.g., fencing, netting, and other appropriate exclusion measures).
* Conduct well completions with drilling operations to limit the number of rig moves and traffic.
Interim Reclamation | Form: (02 ) 400459297 12/27/2013 | * Use only certified weed-free native seed in seed mixes, except for non-native plants that benefit wildlife
* WPX Energy will use certified, weed free grass hay, straw, hay or other mulch materials used for the reseeding and
reclamation of disturbed areas.
* Install exclusionary devices to prevent bird and other wildlife access to equipment stacks, vents and openings.
* Reduce visits to well-sites through remote monitoring (i.e. SCADA) and the use of multi-function contractors.
* Avoid dust suppression activities within 300 feet of the ordinary high water mark of any reservoir, lake, wetland, or natural
perennial or seasonally flowing stream or river where possible.