Engineer | Form: (04 ) 2165173 5/21/2018 | This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before January 31, 2014(1 year from prior application). Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401524548 5/21/2018 | This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before January 24, 2019(1 year from prior application). Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application.
A Form 5A is required to report all plugs currently downhole which isolate the perforated interval.
The Form 7 reporting must reflect the well status dates reported on the TA request. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401744551 9/18/2018 | This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before January 24, 2019(1 year from prior application). Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401879280 4/23/2019 | This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before January 24, 2020(1 year from prior application). Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402269647 3/30/2020 | 1) This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before 1/09/2021 (1 year from prior application). Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application.
2) The Form 7 reporting must reflect the well status dates reported on the Form 4-TA request.
3) A Form 5A is required to report all plugs currently downhole which isolate the perforated interval.
Engineer | Form: (06 ) 402365012 5/4/2020 |
1) Provide 48 hour notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42.
2) The approved Form 6, Notice of Intent will be at the location during all phases of plugging operations.
3) Operator shall implement measures to control venting and to ensure that vapors and odors from well plugging operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard.
4) Properly abandon flowlines as per Rule 1105. File electronic Form 42 once on location abandonment complete. Within 30 days of an operator completing abandonment requirements for an off-location flowline or crude oil transfer line the operator shall submit a Flowline Report, Form 44.
5) Check bradenhead annulus pressure prior to MIRU. Perform a bradenhead test if bradenhead pressure is greater than 25 psi, submit results electronically on a Form 17, and contact COGCC area engineer.
If a well has a bradenhead pressure greater than 25 PSI measured at the time of the test then a sample of both the production and bradenhead gas (if sufficient volume to analyze) shall be collected and submitted for laboratory analysis of the gas composition and stable isotopes. The compositional analysis should include hydrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane (C1), ethane (C2), ethene, propane (nC3), isobutane (iC4), butane (nC4), isopentane (iC5), pentane (nC5), hexanes +, specific gravity and British Thermal Units (BTU).The stable isotope analysis should include delta DC1, delta 13C1, delta 13C2, delta 13C3, delta 13iC4, delta 13nC4, delta 13iC5 (if possible), delta 13nC5 (if possible), and delta 13C of CO2 (if possible). The analytical results shall be submitted to the COGCC via Form 43 (Analytical Sample Submittal Form).
Gas sample containers should be filled in accordance with container manufacturer or laboratory recommendations; purging multiple container volumes may not be feasible due to limited gas volumes.
If water is encountered in the bradenhead during testing then samples (if sufficient quantity to analyze) should be collected and submitted for the laboratory analysis of major anions (chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, and sulfate), cations (sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) total dissolved solids (TDS), BTEX, DRO, GRO, and dissolved gasses (RSK 175). If there is a limited amount of water available then anions, cations and BTEX should be given first priority. Data from bradenhead water samples shall be submitted to the COGCC via Form 43.
Please refer to Appendix A of the COGCC Operator Instructions for Bradenhead Testing and Reporting for more information regarding testing and sampling protocol.
The operator shall provide notice to Environmental Supervisor Alex Fischer at or 303-894-2100 X 5138 and COGCC Engineer Craig Burger at or 970-319-4194, a minimum of 72 hours prior to conducting field operations. Bradenhead testing and sample collection (if applicable). If samples are collected, copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the COGCC within three (3) months of collecting the samples.