Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401236305 5/24/2017 | One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged open-hole with a triple combo log
(HRI w/ SP, GR, CAL and Spectral Density/Dual Spaced Neutron) from TD into the
surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a radial analysis bond log with gamma ray
run on production casing from TD to surface after rig moves off pad. All wells not
logged with an open hole log will have a cased hole NEO neutron emulated open hole
log run from TD to surface. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad
will list all logs run and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for a well without open hole
logs shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall clearly identify (by
API#, well name & number) the well in which open-hole logs were run.