Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403287143 2/9/2023 | This well is designated inactive and requires a Form 5B be submitted for it to remain an inactive well. |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 403405070 6/5/2023 | 1) Submit a Form 42 electronically to COGCC 2 business days prior to MIRU.
2) 60 days after conversion and commencement of injection perform a Bradenhead test and submit a Form 17 10 days following.
3) Well is not to be hydraulically stimulated without an offset well review prior to such an event. |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 403405070 8/14/2023 | Requested a confining layer for the Morrow from the Operator.
10/20/23 Replied with the Morrison which is above the TOC.
11/8/23 Requested a confining layer closer to the Morrow. |
UIC | Form: (02 ) 403405070 2/8/2024 | Submit Casing integrity log with 33-Subsequent. |
UIC | Form: (02 ) 403405070 2/8/2024 | Well must pass MIT witnessed by ECMC before Subsequent Forms 31 and 33 will be approved. Well must be in injection configuration. |