Form 27/27A | Related Doc |
Date Submitted: | 10/16/2024 |
Date Recv'd: | 10/16/2024 | Assigned by: | Kari Brown |
DocNum: | 403955340 | Facility ID: | 487675 |
Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 37945 |
Operator Information: |
Oper. No. | 46290 |
Address: | 1700 LINCOLN ST STE 4550 DENVER CO 80203 |
Type Of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE |
Fac. Name | Lanson Farms 15 Flowline |
County Name: | WELD |
Operator contact: | John Peterson |
qtrqtr: NWNE | section: 35 | township: 2N | range: 68W | meridian: 6 |
Remediation Details: |
Reason for Report: SPILL |
Cause of Condition: SPILL OR RELEASE |
Potential Receptors: Distances to potential receptors are as follows:
Water well: located approximately 532 feet north o |
FURTHER SITE INV:  | KPK proposes the collection of 4 confirmation soil samples along each sidewall of the excavation, 3 surface samples beneath the stockpile, and 2 background samples. Additionally, KPK proposes the installation of 5 groundwater monitoring wells at this site. According to topographic maps, groundwater appears to flow north/northwest towards Godding Hollow stream. KPK will place 3 wells north/northwest of the excavation, 1 well south of the excavation as a point of compliance well, and 1 well will be placed in the source area of the excavation. |
HOW REMEDIATE: | KPK plans to excavate remaining impacts in soil and transport the waste to a certified disposal facility. Background and confirmation samples will be
collected to ensure that KPK is in compliance with Table 915-1. Groundwater will be analyzed through groundwater monitoring which will be sampled on a quarterly basis. See the attached figures for soil sample locations. If impacts to groundwater are determined, extent will be defined and remedial technologies will be evaluated. |
INITIAL ACTION: | On 8/19/24 a KPK employee found contaminated soil at the ground surface and notified supervisors of the spill. Personnel immediately shut in wells and a crew was sent to perform source removal. The cause of the spill was due to a joint failure at the junction of 3'' fiberglass to 3'' steel line. KPK repaired the line by replacing the 3'' steel line section with 3'' poly. KPK began excavating and field screening the sidewalls. One Source @ Surface was collected and analyzed for full Table 915-1. More excavation at the southeast corner of the excavation is necessary. Groundwater is shallow at approximately 2' depth below ground surface. KPK proposes the installation of groundwater monitoring wells in this form 27. |
MONITORING PLAN: | KPK proposes the installation of 5 groundwater monitoring wells at this site. According to topographic maps, groundwater appears to flow north/northwest towards Godding Hollow stream. KPK will place 3 wells north/northwest of the excavation, 1 well south of the excavation as a point of compliance well, and 1 well will be placed in the source area of the excavation. |
RECLAMATION PLAN: | Upon receiving confirmation sampling analytical that shows all impacts have been removed, KPK will submit request for Backfill to the state. Upon completion of the backfill KPK will consult with the landowner on seeding preference. Reclamation will commence following the 1000 series reclamation rules. |
SOURCE REMOVED: | Source material within soil will be removed through excavation. Soil has been stockpiled on a lined and bermed containment south of the excavation. Contaminated soil will be disposed of at a disposal facility. KPK will collect 4 confirmation sidewall samples to be analyzed for full Table 915-1 to ensure the removal of contaminants in soil. 3 surface samples will be collected and analyzed for full Table 915-1 analytes following the removal of the stockpile on site. Groundwater will be monitored through the sampling of 5 monitoring wells installed around and within the excavation. |
Correspondence Log: |
Coordinates: |
Type | Facility ID | Facility Name/Num | Lat/Long |
Facility | 487675 | Lanson Farms 15 Flowline | 40.101818/-104.967656 |