Form 27/27A | Related Doc | Date Submitted: | 7/7/2024 | Date Recv'd: | 7/7/2024 | Assigned by: | Rick Allison | DocNum: | 403826338 | Facility ID: | 486346 | Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 36122 | Operator Information: | Operator: | PDC ENERGY INC | Oper. No. | 69175 | Address: | 1099 18TH STREET SUITE 1500 DENVER CO 80202 | Type Of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE | Fac. Name | Raindance FD Off-Site #20-202HNX | County Name: | WELD | Operator contact: | Jason Davidson | qtrqtr: SESE | section: 30 | township: 6N | range: 67W | meridian: 6 |
| Remediation Details: | | Reason for Report: SPILL | Cause of Condition: SPILL OR RELEASE | Potential Receptors: Occupied Buildings within 1/4 mile- 865’ SE, 1,160’ SE, 1,180’ SE, 1,300’ E
High Priority Habitats w | | FURTHER SITE INV:  | Petroleum-impacted soil has been removed and Table 915-1 metals concentrations reported in confirmation soil samples collected at the Site have all been resolved. Refer to the Remediation Summary section under the Remedial Action Plan tab of this Form 27. Background soil samples will be collected and analyzed for Table 915-1 metals to provide additional information regarding metals concentrations.
Non-compliant levels of pH and/or electrical conductivity (EC) were reported in 30 confirmation soil samples. The horizontal and vertical extents of these impacts will be delineated during 3Q2024. In addition, background soil samples from comparable non-impacted soil will be collected and analyzed for pH and EC.
Following delineation, a Reclamation Plan will be developed in accordance with the ECMC Rule 915.b., and PDC will request to leave these impacts in place at this operating facility. | | HOW REMEDIATE: | Immediately after the release was discovered, hydrovac crews initiated fluid and impacted soil removal in the affected areas. Approximately 832 CY of petroleum-impacted soil were excavated via hydrovac or hand digging and hauled offsite for disposal. The attached Tables 1-4 summarize the laboratory data from the 80 confirmation soil samples collected during the remedial excavation. Sample IDs with light brown shading denote soil samples that were removed by excavation. Figures 1-10 illustrate the soil locations and soil chemistry. These data indicate that petroleum-impacted soil has been removed from the Site.
Although petroleum-impacted soil has been removed, non-compliant concentrations of arsenic, barium, lead, selenium, pH, and EC are present.
On 6/3/2024, a produced fluids sample was collected from the bulk separator and analyzed for total recoverable metals. These data were used to determine the mass of metals that were released in the 72 bbl (net) release. This mass was compared to the calculated mass of metals removed as a result of the excavation. Table 5 (arsenic), Table 6 (barium), Table 7 (selenium), and Table 8 (lead) provide these calculations and comparisons.
As shown on Table 5, the amount of arsenic removed was approximately 560,864 times more than the amount of arsenic that was released.
As shown in Table 6, the amount of barium removed was approximately 387 times more than the amount of barium that was released.
As shown in Table 7, the amount of selenium removed was approximately 33,602 times more than the amount of selenium that was released.
As shown in Table 8, the amount of lead removed was approximately 994,061 times more than the amount of lead that was released.
Since the amount of arsenic, barium, selenium, and lead removed were significantly greater than the amount of these metals that were released, the additional metals removed can be attributed to native concentrations and have been adequately remediated.
| | INITIAL ACTION: | On 3/22/2024, an equipment failure on a bulk separator resulted in a release of 170 barrels (bbls) of an oil/water fluid mix. Approximately 98 bbls of fluid were recovered via hydrovac. The fluid was contained within an unlined steel secondary containment area. Upon discovery, the facility was shut in and clean up operations commenced. Between 3/22/2024 and 4/9/2024, approximately 832 cubic yards (CY) of impacted soil were removed via hydrovac or hand digging. | | MONITORING PLAN: | Groundwater was not encountered during site investigation or remediation activities at the Site. | | RECLAMATION PLAN: | The Raindance FD Off-Site #20-202HNX Facility is an active facility and there are no current plans for decommissioning or reclamation activities. pH and/or EC impacts greater than the ECMC Table 915-1 limits will remain in place at the Site. Following horizontal and vertical delineation, a Reclamation Plan will be developed in accordance with the ECMC Rule 915.b. | | SOURCE REMOVED: | Approximately 832 CY of impacted soil were hauled offsite for disposal under PDC manifest to Republic Services Tower Road landfill in Commerce City, CO or to the Waste Management's North hern Weld County landfill in Ault, Colorado in accordance with Rules 905 and 906. Copies of the waste manifests are available upon request. | | Correspondence Log: | | Coordinates: | Type | Facility ID | Facility Name/Num | Lat/Long | Facility | 486346 | Raindance FD Off-Site #20-202HNX | 40.455451/-104.927633 |