Form 27/27A | Related Doc |
Date Submitted: | 8/14/2024 |
Date Recv'd: | 8/14/2024 | Assigned by: | Kyle Waggoner |
DocNum: | 403696783 | Facility ID: | 485746 |
Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 37043 |
Operator Information: |
Oper. No. | 46290 |
Address: | 1700 LINCOLN ST STE 4550 DENVER CO 80203 |
Type Of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE |
Fac. Name | Lost Creek State 1-32 Flowline |
County Name: | WELD |
Operator contact: | John Peterson |
qtrqtr: NENE | section: 32 | township: 3N | range: 62W | meridian: 6 |
Remediation Details: |
Reason for Report: SPILL |
Cause of Condition: SPILL OR RELEASE |
Potential Receptors: There no residences are within a quarter mile buffer; Weld County Road 386 is approximately 1,865' W |
FURTHER SITE INV:  | Additional soil samples will be taken to ensure full delineation. |
HOW REMEDIATE: | Following excavation and re-sampling, any remaining impacts will be evaluated. KPK plans to scrape an additional 5' off of the north wall to remove impacts observed in SW-1@5'. To address impacts observed at BH-1@20', KPK will scrape the floor of the excavation and re-sample the floor. If groundwater is encountered, KPK will propose the installation of monitoring wells. |
INITIAL ACTION: | KPK was pressure testing the flowline for Lost Creek State 1-32 and identified oil breaching the ground surface. The wells were shut in, KPK excavated the impacted soil (20'x13'x20'), and repaired the leak in the flowline. The impacted soils were placed on a plastic liner. External corrosion of the steel flowline is the root cause of the spill. Background and source samples were taken 12/12/23; nine samples were taken after excavation 12/18/23. The background was resampled 2/9/24 due to possible cross-contamination on the first background sample. All samples were analyzed for full Table 915-1. The vertical & horizontal extents of the excavation were based on limits of excavation & results from soil samples & PID field screening. The sample taken from the source area had multiple organics exceedances. BH1@20' exceeded the Table 915-1 limit for 1-Methylnaphthalene. SW1@20' exceeded the Table 915-1 limit for DRO and RRO. Arsenic and selenium exceeded Table 915-1 at multiple locations. No samples exceeded Table 915-1 for soil suitability parameters. |
MONITORING PLAN: | If impacts to groundwater are encountered in the excavation, KPK will propose the installation of monitoring wells on a supplemental Form 27. |
RECLAMATION PLAN: | Excavation area will be backfilled with clean fill appropriate for the area. Upon completion of the backfill KPK will consult with the landowner on seeding preference. Reclamation will be conducted following the 1000 series reclamation rules. |
SOURCE REMOVED: | The source of the impacts was shut in when the release was discovered. Approximately 6953 cubic feet of impacted soil was excavated and stockpiled on a lined, bermed area onsite until excavation is complete. Manifests generated to date are included as an attachment but stockpiled soil remains on location. Additional excavation will be conducted to remove the impacted soils found at SW-1@5' and BH-1@20'. Background samples at depth will be taken during monitoring well installation to assess if inorganic exceedances are naturally occurring. Manifests will be included as attachments as they are generated. |
Correspondence Log: |
Coordinates: |
Type | Facility ID | Facility Name/Num | Lat/Long |
Facility | 485746 | Lost Creek State 1-32 Flowline | 40.187928/-104.342822 |