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COGIS - Remediation Reports
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SPILL OR RELEASE484969Phelps 32 Sec Separator
WELD  123
SENE 32 1N66W 6
433548View Related Related
Form 27/27AView Related Related View DocsDoc
Date Submitted:10/30/2023
Date Recv'd:10/30/2023Assigned by:Laurel Anderson
DocNum:403575609Facility ID: 484969
Document Type:FORM 27 Project Number:33237
Operator Information:
Oper. No.69175
Address:1099 18TH STREET SUITE 1500  DENVER  CO 80202
Fac. NamePhelps 32 Sec Separator
County Name:WELD
Operator contact:Jason Davidson
qtrqtr: SENEsection: 32township: 1Nrange: 66Wmeridian: 6
Remediation Details:
Impacted Media
MediaImpactedExtentHow Determined?
GROUNDWATER YUnknown Not yet determined
SOILS Y6' x 8' x 3' deep Confirmation Soil Sampling
Reason for Report: SPILL
Cause of Condition: MULTIPLE
Potential Receptors: Unnamed Drainage and associated Wetland: 100’ S Irrigation Ditch: 630’ SW Unnamed Ponds: 600’ S, 580
FURTHER SITE INV:  Refer to the Proposed Soil Sampling, Proposed Groundwater Sampling, and Additional Investigative Actions sections of this Form 27.
HOW REMEDIATE:  Dissolved phase groundwater impacts remain on site following the removal of impacted soils. No further excavation is required. Soil borings completed as monitoring wells will be installed within and adjacent to the excavation to define the magnitude and extent of residual groundwater impacts. After four consecutive quarters of groundwater samples are in compliance with the ECMC Table 915-1 standards, a NFA designation will be requested. Refer to the Source Removal Summary above.
INITIAL ACTION:  On 8/19/23, a broken site glass on the Phelps 11-32 CHZ separator resulted in the release of less than 1 barrel of produced fluids. Impacted surface soil was excavated using a hydrovac. During additional soil removal activities on 8/21/23, groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 3 feet below ground surface (bgs). Free phase condensate was observed on the surface of the groundwater. Approximately 3 cubic yards of impacted soil and groundwater were removed from the impacted area via hydrovac and transported to Republic Services Tower Road Landfill in Commerce City, CO for disposal under PDC manifest in accordance with Rules 905 and 906. Copies of the waste manifests are available upon request. Soil samples were collected on 8/23/23 and analyzed for the full ECMC Table 915-1 suite of analytes by ECMC approved methods. A grab groundwater sample was also collected from the base of the excavation and analyzed for ECMC Table 915-1 Organic Compounds in Groundwater by ECMC approved methods. The laboratory data are summarized in Tables 1 to 6 and illustrated on Figure 3. Based on the laboratory data, petroleum constituents in the unsaturated soil have been adequately remediated. However, arsenic, barium, electrical conductivity (EC) and/or sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) concentrations were above the ECMC Table 915-1 standards in the soil samples. Further, the benzene concentration in the groundwater sample exceeded the ECMC Table 915-1 standard.
MONITORING PLAN:  Groundwater was encountered at a depth of approximately 3 feet bgs at the Site. Free phase condensate was observed on the surface of the groundwater. Refer to the Proposed Groundwater Sampling section of this Form 27.
RECLAMATION PLAN:  The Phelps12-32NHZ facility is an active facility and there are no current plans for decommissioning or reclamation activities.
SOURCE REMOVED:  On 8/19/23, during initial excavation activities, impacted surface soils were removed using a hydrovac. During additional soil removal activities on 8/21/23, approximately 3 cubic yards of impacted soil and groundwater were removed from the impacted area via hydrovac and transported to Republic Services Tower Road Landfill in Commerce City, CO for disposal under PDC manifest in accordance with Rules 905 and 906. Copies of the waste manifests are available upon request.
Correspondence Log:
TypeFacility IDFacility Name/NumLat/Long
Facility484969Phelps 32 Sec Separator