Form 27/27A | Related Doc |
Date Submitted: | 11/15/2018 |
Date Recv'd: | 11/15/2018 | Assigned by: | Rick Allison |
DocNum: | 401842011 | Facility ID: | 455000 |
Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 12140 |
Operator Information: |
Operator: | NOBLE ENERGY INC |
Oper. No. | 100322 |
Address: | 1099 18TH STREET SUITE 1500 DENVER CO 80202 |
Type Of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE |
Fac. Name | Wells Ranch AE32 |
County Name: | WELD |
Operator contact: | Dan Peterson |
qtrqtr: SWNW | section: 32 | township: 6N | range: 62W | meridian: 6 |
Remediation Details: |
Reason for Report: SPILL |
Cause of Condition: SPILL OR RELEASE |
Potential Receptors: |
HOW REMEDIATE: | A Soil Vapor Extraction system will be implemented post assessment. |
INITIAL ACTION: | During production at the Wells Ranch AE30 tank battery, an unintentional release occurred from a produced water dumpline. The site was shut in. |
RECLAMATION PLAN: | Reclamation will be in accordance with COGCC 1000 Series Rules |
SOURCE REMOVED: | The source area will be delineated vertically and laterally through an environmental site assessment. The source area will be treated in place using Soil Vapor Extraction Technology. |
Correspondence Log: |
Coordinates: |
Type | Facility ID | Facility Name/Num | Lat/Long |
Facility | 455000 | Wells Ranch AE32 | 40.444000/-104.355200 |