Form 27/27A | Related Doc |
Date Submitted: | 2/16/2018 |
Date Recv'd: | 2/16/2018 | Assigned by: | Chris Canfield |
DocNum: | 401502037 | Facility ID: | 437084 |
Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 11035 |
Operator Information: |
Oper. No. | 47120 |
Address: | P O BOX 173779 DENVER CO 80217-3779 |
Type Of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE |
County Name: | WELD |
Operator contact: | Erik Mickelson |
qtrqtr: SESE | section: 27 | township: 1N | range: 67W | meridian: 6 |
Remediation Details: |
Reason for Report: SPILL |
Cause of Condition: MULTIPLE |
Potential Receptors: An occupied building is located approximately 300 feet southeast of the release location. |
FURTHER SITE INV:  | On November 10, 2014, three (3) temporary groundwater monitoring wells (BH01 - BH03) were installed to further assess the extent of groundwater impacts. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was initiated on November 20, 2014, and is ongoing. The temporary groundwater monitoring wells will continue to be sampled on a quarterly basis and submitted for laboratory analysis of BTEX until concentrations remain in full compliance with State standards for four consecutive quarters. |
HOW REMEDIATE: | Laboratory data indicate that impacted soils in the excavation area were remediated to be in full compliance with State standards. Temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed to further assess the extent of groundwater impacts. The wells will be sampled quarterly and submitted for laboratory analysis of BTEX until concentrations remain in full compliance with State standards for four consecutive quarters. Estimated time to attain NFA is TBD based on the review of groundwater concentrations, the extent of impacted groundwater, and the efficacy of selected remedial technologies. |
INITIAL ACTION: | On May 1, 2014, historical impacts were discovered during tank battery removal activities at the Howard 25C-22HZ production facility. The facility was shut in, and excavation activities were initiated. Groundwater was initially encountered in the excavation at approximately 4 feet below ground surface (bgs). The COGCC has issued Spill/Release Point ID 437084 for this release. A Form 27 Site Investigation and Remediation Workplan was originally submitted to the COGCC on January 14, 2016. Please note, this eForm 27-Initial is being submitted to refile the information contained in the original Form 27 at the request of the COGCC. It only contains the information that was presented in the original January 14, 2016 Form 27. |
MONITORING PLAN: | On November 10, 2014, three temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed to assess the extent of groundwater impacts. The temporary groundwater monitoring wells will continue to be sampled on a quarterly basis and submitted for laboratory analysis of BTEX until concentrations remain in full compliance with State standards for four consecutive quarters. Groundwater sample locations are illustrated on Figure 2, and a potentiometric surface contour map for the Fourth Quarter 2014 is presented as Figure 3. Well completion logs for the temporary monitoring wells are included as Attachment B. |
RECLAMATION PLAN: | The site has been restored to its pre-release grade. Kerr-McGee will consult with the surface owner to determine reclamation specifics to properly conduct reclamation activities in accordance with COGCC 1000 Series Rules. |
SOURCE REMOVED: | Between May 1 and 7, 2014, approximately 220 cubic yards of impacted material were excavated and transported to the Front Range Regional Landfill in Erie, Colorado. Approximately 50 barrels of impacted groundwater were removed from the excavation area via vacuum truck and transported to a licensed disposal facility. |
Correspondence Log: |
Final Resolution | Date | Case Closed? | Letter Sent? | CECMC Person | 5/14/2019 | Y | | Chris Canfield | |
Coordinates: |
Type | Facility ID | Facility Name/Num | Lat/Long |
Facility | 437084 | SPILL/RELEASE POINT | 40.017826/-104.870207 |