Form 27/27A | Related Doc |
Date Submitted: | 10/27/2015 |
Date Recv'd: | 10/27/2015 | Assigned by: | Peter Gintautas |
DocNum: | 200437837 | Facility ID: | 437366 |
Document Type: | FORM 27 | Project Number: | 9317 |
Operator Information: |
Oper. No. | 47120 |
Address: | P O BOX 173779 DENVER CO 80217-3779 |
Type Of Facility: | |
County Name: | WELD |
Operator contact: | PHIL HAMLIN |
qtrqtr: SENE | section: 8 | township: 3N | range: 67W | meridian: 6 |
Remediation Details: |
Reason for Report: SPILL |
Cause of Condition: SPILL OR RELEASE |
Potential Receptors: soils and groundwater |
INITIAL ACTION: | see document submitted |
Conditions of Approval: At a minimum, two more rounds of sampling and analysis of at least one groundwater monitoring point within the outline of the original excavation 2014). Groundwater sampling and analysis for benzene, toluene ethylbenzene and xylene isomers with data submission to COGCC are required before a request for closure will be considered. Sampling events should be no closer than 90 days apart. |
Correspondence Log: |
Operator/CECMC Response |
Name | Phone | Date | Paul Schneider Anadarko | 970 336-3500 | 10/20/2016 | While historical, the impacts appear to be related to the produced water sump at this location. Soil impacted above Table 910-1 standards was centered (and subsequently removed from) beneath the sump.
No sensitive receptors were identified within the immediate vicinity of the release location.
Impacted soils were remediated (via excavation) to below Table 910-1 standards.
Potential impacts within the phreatic zone were removed via excavation.
Impacted groundwater was removed from the excavation via vacuum truck.
BTEX concentrations in the excavation groundwater sample collected subsequent to groundwater removal were not only below Table 910-1 standards, but were also below the laboratory reporting limits.
Prior to backfilling the excavation, activated carbon was added to the groundwater within the excavation to mitigate any remaining aqueous-phase impacts.
BTEX concentrations from all monitoring wells were not only below Table 910-1 standards, but were also below the laboratory reporting limits. This includes monitoring wells located directly downgradient of the release area. |
Final Resolution | Date | Case Closed? | Letter Sent? | CECMC Person | 11/7/2016 | Y | | Peter Gintautas | |
Coordinates: |
There are no facility coordinates associated with this project. |