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WELL05-123-44987Raindance FD
NENE 30 6N67W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 1530 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
404008597Form 1711/25/202411/26/2024PLUNGER LIFT0NO FLOW NONE0 NO FLOW 443440No----Remediation follow up test. 0 PSI, no pressure or flow observed. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403799349Form 175/14/20245/21/2024SHUT-IN19CONTINUOUS WATER AND GAS0 WHISPER 00No----Annual test. 19 PSI cloudy water and gas flow blew down to 0 PSI in seconds, whisper gas and fluid trickle for entire test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403280498Form 171/4/20231/5/2023PLUNGER LIFT2DOWN TO 0 GAS0 NO FLOW 368366No----Abatement system follow up test. 2 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403079640Form 176/8/20226/15/2022PLUNGER LIFT64DOWN TO 0 WATER H200 CONTINUOUS 630630Yes--YesTest after pressure discovery. Water on open, produced about 250mL and died to drip. Filled 1000mL sample in 20 minutes. Produced about 1500mL total.
402870059Form 1711/3/202111/12/2021PLUNGER LIFT43DOWN TO 0 GAS0 NO FLOW 700700YesYesNoRetest after blowdown period and 16 day build up. Gas at open. Gas sampled, then gas for 6 seconds then dead for remainder of test.
402572920Form 171/4/20211/12/2021FLOWING357CONTINUOUS WATER H200 CONTINUOUS 319315No----Retest. Drips of water at open for entire test. Made 1/2cup total.
402306763Form 171/31/20202/7/2020FLOWING93WHISPER --0 NO FLOW 835833No----Test after 5 week blowdown and 14 day buildup. Whisper for 2 seconds and died.
402239602Form 1711/7/201911/14/2019FLOWING57DOWN TO 0 --0 NO FLOW 974991YesYes--Test after DOFP. Delay due to continuous surface operations. Blew dead < 10 secs. BH dead.
401989678Form 173/28/20193/29/2019SHUT-IN76NO FLOW --0 NO FLOW 00No----Test before frac. Bled down in less than 1 second. Unable to collect sample.
401787053Form 1710/5/201810/8/2018SHUT-IN110WHISPER --0 WHISPER 600600No----Test taken 6 months after rig release. Test delayed due to seized ball valve on surface casing. Blew down to whisper in less than 10 seconds.
401458658Form 1711/13/201711/14/2017SHUT-IN25DOWN TO 0 --0 NO FLOW 120120No----