402474463 | Form 17 | 6/14/2020 | 8/25/2020 | SHUT-IN | 7 | GAS | -- | 6 | WHISPER | 8 | 8 | No | -- | -- | Abatement System Follow up test, 7 PSI blew down to 6 PSI slight whisper at the end of the 30 min test. |
402449711 | Form 17 | 10/14/2019 | 7/23/2020 | | 320 | GAS | -- | 300 | CONTINUOUS | 320 | 320 | Yes | -- | -- | Annual Test 320 PSI with continuous flow, blew down to 300 PSI after 30 min.
PDC has collected a sample and will submit via 43 ASAP. PDC will follow up with a remediation plan via
sundry. |
402213402 | Form 17 | 10/14/2019 | 10/17/2019 | CLOCK/INTERMITTER | 320 | GAS | -- | 300 | CONTINUOUS | 320 | 320 | No | -- | -- | |