402554837 | Form 17 | 3/24/2020 | 12/15/2020 | SHUT-IN | 30 | CONTINUOUS | GAS | 0 | NO FLOW | 600 | 600 | No | -- | -- | “Pre P&A test 30 PSI blew down to 0 PSI within first 10 minutes of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. This form is being submitted to update COGCC records |
Click for Specifics | Light | 6/8/2019 | 11/27/2019 | | 0 | | | 0 | | 0 | 0 | No | No | No | |
400287776 | Form 17 | 4/12/2012 | 5/23/2012 | PLUNGER LIFT | 15 | WATER H20 | -- | <1 | WATER H20 | 327 | 377 | No | -- | -- | Surface casing produced small amount of water during Form 17 test |