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WELL05-123-45301Raindance FC
NENE 30 6N67W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 2050 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
Click for SpecificsFull7/16/20247/29/2024 38Down to Zero--0No Flow746746NoNoNoAnnual Test.  38 PSI, with no pressure or flow observed for the entire 30-minute test.  PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403439457Form 176/16/20236/20/2023GAS LIFT137CONTINUOUS WATER AND GAS0 CONTINUOUS 725732Yes----Automation Alert follow-up test. 137 PSI water and gas flow blew down to 0 PSI in 5 minutes. Fluid was a steady stream at open and then turned to trickle at 3 minutes until 8 minutes, steady drip for remainder of test. PDC will schedule a sampling event and submit results via form 43. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403417869Form 175/31/20235/31/2023GAS LIFT60CONTINUOUS GAS0 NO FLOW 738726Yes----Automation Alert Follow-Up. 60 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI in seconds with no flow or pressure for remainder of test. PDC will schedule a sampling event and submit results via form 43. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
Click for SpecificsFull5/4/20235/15/2023 14Down to Zero--0Down to Zero775771NoNoneNoneAnnual Test. 14 PSI blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403051823Form 175/11/20225/17/2022FLOWING1WHISPER GAS0 NO FLOW 13221324No----Test after DOFP. Whisper on open for 45 seconds and died. No flow for remainder of the test.
402908452Form 1712/21/202112/23/2021SHUT-IN0NO FLOW NONE0 NO FLOW 00No----Test prior to toe prep/frac. Vacuum on open for 51 seconds.