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WELD  123
SENE 32 1N66W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 1208 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
403780024Form 175/1/20245/6/2024GAS LIFT10DOWN TO 0 GAS0 NO FLOW 155155No----Remediation follow up test. 10 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI within first 35 seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
Click for SpecificsFull4/21/20235/1/2023 20Down to Zero--0Down to Zero372373NoNoneNoneAnnual Test. 20 PSI blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403154193Form 178/9/20229/1/2022PLUNGER LIFT18DOWN TO 0 GAS0 CONTINUOUS 308308Yes----Annual Test. 18 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI within first minute of test. No pressure observed for the remainder of the test. Water began at 10 minute mark and continued for the remainder of the test. PDC will schedule a sampling event and submit results via form 43 as well as a remediation plan via sundry as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
402805889Form 177/3/20219/9/2021GAS LIFT8DOWN TO 0 VAPOR0 NO FLOW 460460No----Abatement system follow up test, 12 PSI vapor flow blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
402719589Form 175/13/20216/15/2021PLUNGER LIFT0WHISPER VAPOR0  490490No----Abatement system follow up test, 0.88 PSI whisper blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details as soon as possible.
402871623Form 171/30/202111/16/2021INJECTION76CONTINUOUS WATER H200 NO FLOW 675675Yes----Post-production, 76 PSI water flow blew down to 0 PSI within first 5 minutes. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will schedule a sampling event and submit results via form 43. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
Click for SpecificsLight11/12/202012/14/2020 0 --0 00NoNoNo 
402779917Form 176/14/20208/13/2021FLOWING20CONTINUOUS WATER H200 NO FLOW 428428No----Abatement system follow up test, 20 PSI water flow blew down to 0 PSI within first few minutes of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
402213390Form 1710/14/201910/17/2019CLOCK/INTERMITTER20WATER H20 --0 NO FLOW 610600No----Dripped water throughout test