Click for Specifics | Full | 2/22/2024 | 3/19/2024 | Plunger Lift | 20 | N/A | -- | 0 | No Flow | 317 | 317 | No | No | No | 1/2" blowdown |
Click for Specifics | Full | 9/22/2023 | 10/9/2023 | Plunger Lift | 22 | N/A | -- | 0 | No Flow | 477 | 477 | No | No | No | 1/2" blowdown |
403141966 | Form 17 | 8/17/2022 | 8/19/2022 | SHUT-IN | 444 | NO FLOW | -- | 444 | NO FLOW | 444 | 444 | No | -- | -- | Per approval and guidance from the COGCC Area Engineer, a modified bradenhead test is being submitted to the COGCC due to pending remedial work on this well and safety concerns with performing a full bradenhead test at this time. TEP will perform a bradenhead test on the well after the proposed remedial work is complete and will submit the results to the COGCC via a Form 17. |
Click for Specifics | Full | 8/25/2021 | 9/6/2021 | Shut-In | 540 | N/A | -- | 530 | Continuous | 540 | 530 | No | No | No | |