Click for Specifics | Light | 10/10/2024 | 11/4/2024 | | 0 | | -- | 0 | | 140 | 140 | No | No | No | Observation well status |
Click for Specifics | Full | 10/30/2023 | 10/31/2023 | Injector | 130 | Continuous | -- | 0 | No Flow | 40 | 40 | No | No | No | |
Click for Specifics | Full | 10/25/2022 | 11/8/2022 | Shut-In | 140 | Continuous | Mud and Gas | 140 | Continuous | 85 | 85 | No | No | No | Well was flowing mud and gas through the duration of test. |
402854071 | Form 17 | 10/25/2021 | 10/27/2021 | SHUT-IN | 133 | CONTINUOUS | MUD AND GAS | 7 | CONTINUOUS | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | CONTINUOUS MUD & GAS UNTIL 13 MINUTE MARK THEN JUST GAS FOR REST OF TEST |