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First of MonthAPI CountyAPI SequenceAPI SidetrackWell Name/NumFresh Water VolRecycled Water VolProduced Water DispWater Disp MethWater Disp LocationProduced Water ReuseProd Water Offsite Reuse
10/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1  663Cw159378  
9/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   717CW159378  
8/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   437CW159378  
7/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   0CW159378  
6/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   0CW159378  
5/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   0CW159378  
4/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   416CW159378  
3/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   888CW159378  
2/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   1681CW159378  
1/1/20241031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   1054CW159378  
12/1/20231031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   0CW159378  
11/1/20231031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   376CW159378  
10/1/20231031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   747CW159378  
9/1/20231031040100YELLOW CREEK FEDERAL 3-45-1   642CW159378