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Blue - #482308 InformationStatus: AC - 6/19/2024
Location ID:482308Location Name/No:Blue/3-65 33-32-31
Facility Status:ACFacility Status Date:6/19/2024
Municipality/County:AURORA / ADAMS  - #001Location:NWSW 34 3S65W
Facility Type:LOCATIONLat/Long:39.746222 / -104.657704
Form 2A Document #:402779501Form 2A Expiration:3/1/2025
OGDP #:481173
Location Inventory
Wells:  7Oil Tanks:  4Condensate Tanks:  0Water Tanks:  2Buried Produced Water Vaults:  0
Drilling Pits:  0Production Pits:  0Special Purpose Pits:  0Multi-Well Pits:  0Modular Large Volume Tanks:  2
Pump Jacks:  0Separators:  0Injection Pumps:  0Heat-Treaters:  2Cavity Pumps:  0
Gas Compressors:  2Gas or Diesel Motors:  0Electric Motors:  0Electric Generators:  0Fuel Tanks:  0
LACT Unit:  1Dehydrator Units:  0Vapor Recovery Unit:  0VOC Combustor:  0Flare:  0
Enclosed Combustion Devices:  2Meter/Sales Building:  2Pigging Station:  0
Other:  From the wellheads, carbon steel flowlines run to an inlet manifold which routes flow to either separators or bulk 2 phase separators. High pressure gas from the bulk 2 phase and test separators is sent down the sales gas line to a third party. The liquid from the bulk 2 phase separators is carried to bulk 3 phase separators for further processing. Low pressure gas off the 3 phase bulk and test separators is sent to a vapor recovery unit to compress the low pressure gas so it can be sent down the high pressure sales line to a third party. Oil from the bulk and test 3 phase separators is transferred to a vapor recovery tower then to tankage for storage. Water from the bulk and test 3 phase separators is transferred to the water tanks for storage.
Related Tank Facilities
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Related Pits
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API Number:05-001-10550Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue 3-65 #33-32-31-36 1BH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10551Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue 3-65 #33-32-31-36 2AH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10552Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue 3-65 #33-32 2BH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10553Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue Fed 3-65 #33-32-31-36 3AH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10554Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue Fed 3-65 #33-32-31-36 3BH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10555Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue 3-65 #33-32-31-36 4AH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

API Number:05-001-10556Operator Name:CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC #10633Well Name:  Blue 3-65 #33-32-31-36 4BH
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWSW 343S 65W

Off-Location Flowlines
Sorry, no off-location flowlines could be found.
Domestic Taps
Sorry, no domestic taps could be found.