On Sept 3, 2014, a historical release was discovered during tank battery decommissioning activities at the Wagner 2, 8, 21, 22-25 production facility. The tanks and lines were flushed, cleaned, and removed. Approx 520 cubic yards of impacted soil were excavated and transported to the Kerr-McGee Landfarm for treatment. 8 soil samples were collected from the final extent of the excavation and submitted to eAnalytics Laboratory in Loveland, CO for laboratory analysis of BTEX and TPH. Laboratory analytical results, received on September 4, 2014, indicate constituent concentrations in the 8 soil samples are below the applicable COGCC Table 910-1 standards. Due to the size of the historically impacted area, this release was reported to the state. Based on the excavation activites and analytical sample results, no further action is required at this site. A soil table and analytical report are attached. An excavation and sample location figure will be presented in the Supplemental Form 19. |