Wellbore #00 Wellbore Classification: OW Status: PA - 12/12/2014 Measured TD: 2589 ft. Vertical TD: 0 ft. Wellbore Data for Original Wellbore | Wellbore Classification: OW PA - 12/12/2014 | Wellbore Permit | | Permit #: | 820429 | Expiration Date: | 7/15/1982 | Proposed Depth/Form: | | Surface Mineral Owner Same: | Not available | Mineral Owner: | FEE | Surface Owner: | Not available | Unit: | | Unit Number: | | Formation And Spacing: | Code: MNCS , Formation: MANCOS , Order: 0 , Unit Acreage: 0, Drill Unit: |
| | |
Wellbore Completed | Completion Date: | 3/23/1982 | Spud Date: | 3/16/1982 | Spud Date Is: | ACTUAL | Measured TD: | 2589 ft. | Measured PB depth: | 0 ft. | True Vertical TD: | 0 ft. | True Vertical PB depth: | | Casing: | String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 9.625 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 128 ft., Weight: , Citings Type: ACTUAL | Cement: | Sacks: 45, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 128 ft., Determination Method: | Casing: | String Type: OPEN HOLE, Hole Size: , Size: , Top: 128 ft., Depth: 2589 ft., Weight: , Citings Type: COGCC | Cement: | Sacks: , Top: , Bottom: , Determination Method: |
Formation MNCS Formation Classification: GW Status: AB - 12/12/2014 Completed Information for Formation MANCOS | 1st Production Date: | 10/18/1985 | Choke Size: | 0.000 in. | Formation Name: | MANCOS | Commingled: | | Production Method: | | Open Hole Completion: | |
| Tubing Size: | | Tubing Setting Depth: | | Tubing Packer Depth: | | Tubing Multiple Packer: | | Open Hole Top: | | Open Hole Bottom: | | No Initial Test Data was found for formation MNCS. |
| No Perforation Data was found for formation MNCS. |
Reported Plugged | Y | 12/12/2014 |
Out Of Service Repurposed | N | |
Out Of Service | N | |
Inactive Exception | N | |
Noticed Inactive | N | |
Defined Inactive | N | |
Low Producing | N | |
Total Oil Produced (Barrels) | 0 |
Total Gas Produced (MCF) | 0 |
GOR | |
GOR Determination | |
Average BOE per Day | 0.000 |
Average MCFE per Day | 0.000 |
Federal Financial Assurance | i | |