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Production Line - #461395 InformationStatus: CL - 8/19/2022
Facility ID:461395Operator Flowline ID:25605
Facility Status:CLStatus Date:8/19/2022
Operator Name:NOBLE ENERGY INCOperator Number:100322
Municipality/County:GREELEY / WELD  - #123Location:NWSE 7 5N66W
Date Constructed:End Point Riser:
Equipment at End Point Riser:
  Lat/Long:40.412130 / -104.818450  Source: ACTUAL based On LatLong
Comment:Flowline now closed and registered as part of Flowline System #469879. See form 402595439.
Flowline Description and Testing
Type of Fluid Trans:Pipe Material:
Max Outer Diameter:Max Anticipated Operating Pressure:
Testing Pressure:Test Date
Start Point Location Information
Location ID:Location Type:
Location Name/No.: Location:
Start Point Riser Lat/Long:Equipment at Start Point Riser:
End Point Location Information
Location ID:Location Type:
Location Name/No.: Location:
End Point Riser Lat/Long:Equipment at End Point Riser: