Government C-1041 - #450289 Information | Status: CL - 1/2/2018 |
Spill Type: | Release | Facility Name/No.: | Government C-1041 / | Facility Type: | SPILL OR RELEASE | Facility Status: | CL | Date of Discovery: | 4/28/2017 | Date Closed: | 1/2/2018 | Operator: | SAMSON RESOURCES COMPANY | Operator Number: | 76104 | County: | RIO BLANCO - #103 | Location: | NWNE 25 2N102W | Doc Number: | 401273691 | Lat/Long: | 40.119456 / -108.789133 Source: ACTUAL based On LatLong | Municipality (if within municipal boundaries): | -- | Waters of the State: | | Impacted Media: | | Related Remediation Project Number if work proceeding under an approved Form 27: | N/A | | Spill Description: | BLM inspection resulted in discovery of hydrocarbon contaminated dirt pile on top of HDPE liner at Samson facility that was P&A'd approximately 1995. Samson has no record of placement of contaminated soil at site. Soil sampling results showed excess TPH per Table 910-1. Samson will remove contaminated soil and liner then sample site, showing removal of TPH. | |
Resolution: | Resolving Document: 401273691 | Closure Requested: 05/03/2017 | Resolution: -- |
Operator Information: | Operator: | SAMSON RESOURCES COMPANY | Oper. No. | 76104 | Address: | 15 E 5TH ST STE 1000 TULSA OK 74103 | Type of Facility: | SPILL OR RELEASE | Fac. Name: | Government C-1041 - | County Name: | RIO BLANCO | qtrqtr: NWNE | section: 25 | township: 2N | range: 102W | meridian: 6 |
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