A historical release was discovered during battery decommissioning activities at the Rademacher 9,16-25A, 10, 15, 23, 37, 38, 39-25 production facility. Approximately 100 cubic yards of impacted soil were removed and transported to Kerr-McGee's land treatment facility in Weld County, Colorado. Groundwater was encountered in the excavation area at approximately 4.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). A groundwater sample (GW01) was collected and submitted to for analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes (BTEX) using USEPA Method 8260B. Analytical results received on September 12, 2014 indicate benzene concentrations are in exceedance of the applicable COGCC Table 910-1 groundwater standards, causing this release to be reportable. Groundwater analytical results are summarized in the attached Table 1 and laboratory analytical report. |