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BALLINGER TANK BATTERY - #416382 InformationStatus: AC - 8/23/2028
Location ID:416382Location Name/No:BALLINGER TANK BATTERY/31-18
Facility Status:ACFacility Status Date:8/23/2028
Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LPOperator Number:47120
County:WELD  - #123Location:NWNW 18 3N67W
Facility Type:LOCATIONLat/Long:40.230397 / -104.937987
Form 2A Document #:400041127Form 2A Expiration:3/25/2013
Location Inventory
Wells:  0Oil Tanks:  6Condensate Tanks:  0Water Tanks:  1Buried Produced Water Vaults:  0
Drilling Pits:  0Production Pits:  0Special Purpose Pits:  0Multi-Well Pits:  0Modular Large Volume Tanks:  0
Pump Jacks:  0Separators:  6Injection Pumps:  0Heat-Treaters:  0Cavity Pumps:  0
Gas Compressors:  0Gas or Diesel Motors:  0Electric Motors:  0Electric Generators:  0Fuel Tanks:  0
LACT Unit:  0Dehydrator Units:  0Vapor Recovery Unit:  0VOC Combustor:  1Flare:  1
Enclosed Combustion Devices:  0Meter/Sales Building:  0Pigging Station:  0
Related Tank Facilities
Facility ID:425977Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Name:  BALLINGER TANK BATTERY #31-18
Status:ACLocation:  NWNW 183N 67W

Related Pits
Sorry, no associated pits could be found.
Sorry, no associated wells could be found.
Off-Location Flowlines
Facility ID:  457548Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FLOWLINE HSR-ROTH 6-18Start Location ID:  332526Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  5/21/2008

Facility ID:  457546Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FLOWLINE BALLINGER 5-18Start Location ID:  328584Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  9/15/2010

Facility ID:  457700Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FLOWLINE BALLINGER 31-18Start Location ID:  328584Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  2/1/2012

Facility ID:  457703Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FLOWLINE BALLINGER 22-18Start Location ID:  328584Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  9/15/2010

Facility ID:  458723Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FL-BALLINGER 21-18Start Location ID:  332526Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  3/16/2006

Facility ID:  457547Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FLOWLINE BALLINGER 25-18Start Location ID:  328584Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  9/22/2010

Facility ID:  458409Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  FL-HSR-BALLINGER 4-18Start Location ID:  331333Location:  NWNW 183N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  Pipe Material:  Construction Date:  1/23/2002

Domestic Taps
Sorry, no domestic taps could be found.