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 Surface Location
 API# 05-123-32763
Well Classification: OW Status: PR - 11/1/2024
Well Name/No:Front Range #11-17-10
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Federal Or State Lease #:
Facility Status:PRStatus Date11/1/2024
County:WELD #123Location:NESW 17 4N66W 6
Field:WATTENBERG - #90750Elevation:4721 ft.
Planned Location:1506FSL  2006 FWLLat/Long: 40.308540 / -104.803880Lat/Long Source: Field Measured
As Drilled Location:Footages Not AvailableLat/Long: 40.308510 / -104.803860Lat/Long Source: Field Measured
 Wellbore And Formation Details -- select either a wellbore Or formation to expand.

Wellbore #00             Wellbore Classification: OW             Status: PR - 11/1/2024             Measured TD: 7520 ft.    Vertical TD: 7389 ft.

 Wellbore Data for Original WellboreWellbore Classification: OW        PR - 11/1/2024
Wellbore PermitDIRECTIONAL
Permit #: Expiration Date:12/20/2012
Proposed Top PZ Location:Sec:17 Twp: 4N 66W Footage: 2014 FSL  2385 FEL
Bottom Hole Location:Sec:17 Twp: 4N 66W Footage: 2014 FSL  2385 FEL
Proposed Depth/Form:8000 ft.
Surface Mineral Owner Same:No
Mineral Owner:FEESurface Owner:FEE
Unit: Unit Number:
Formation And Spacing:Code: NB-CD , Formation: NIOBRARA-CODELL , Order: 407-87 , Unit Acreage: 80, Drill Unit: W/2SE/4
Casing:String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 8.625 in., Top: , Depth: 650 ft., Weight: 24 , Citings Type: PLANNED
Cement:Sacks: 500, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 650 ft.
Casing:String Type: 1ST, Hole Size: 7.875 in., Size: 4.5 in., Top: , Depth: 8000 ft., Weight: 11.5 , Citings Type: PLANNED
Cement:Sacks: 700, Top: , Bottom: 8000 ft.

Wellbore Completed
Completion Date:8/16/2011
Spud Date:8/11/2011Spud Date Is:ACTUAL
Measured TD:7520 ft.Measured PB depth:7479 ft.
True Vertical TD:7389 ft.True Vertical PB depth:7348 ft.
Top PZ Location:Sec:17 Twp: 4N 66WFootage: 2014 FSL  2385 FEL
Bottom Hole Location:Sec:17 Twp: 4N 66WFootage: 2014 S  2385 E
Log Types:CBL
Log Types:
Casing:String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 8.625 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 687 ft., Weight: 24 , Citings Type: ACTUAL
Cement:Sacks: 490, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 687 ft., Determination Method: VISU
Casing:String Type: 1ST, Hole Size: 7.875 in., Size: 4.5 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 7497 ft., Weight: 11.6 , Citings Type: ACTUAL
Cement:Sacks: 471, Top: 3060 ft., Bottom: 7497 ft., Determination Method: CBL
FormationInterval TopLog BottomCoredDSTs
PARKMAN3695 ft.
NIOBRARA7036 ft.
FORT HAYS7332 ft.
CODELL7354 ft.

Formation CODL                     Formation Classification:                       Status:  CM - 10/13/2011                Interval Top: 7354 ft.    Interval Bottom: 7374 ft.

 Completed Information for Formation CODELL
1st Production Date:9/3/2011Choke Size: 
Formation Name:CODELLCommingled:Yes
Production Method:
Open Hole Completion:No
Formation Treatment
Treatment Date:8/28/2011
Treatment Summary:formation break 3155 psi isip 2700 1 min 2452 psi 5 min 2132 psi pump active fluid pad 60 bbls. A bench 7040'-42 6 pump phaser pad 595 bls 75000 # 20/40 3 ppg 37.2 bpm 4055 psi. pump phaser pad 333 bbls 3 ppg 42000 # 3 p ppg at 37.3 bpm @4175 psi. niobrara. 7040-42' pump phaser pad 310 bbls 52000 # 20/40 4 ppg at 37.2 bpm @4158 psi. 7145'-58 pump phaser pad 190 bbls 32000 # 20/40 4 ppg at38.2 bpm @4327 psi. 10 pump phaser pad 48 bbls SB EXCEL 20/40 4 ppg at 37.7 @4326 psi. FLUSH 1 BBL PUMP 24 BBLS 15 % HCL Acid set cfp 7320' flush 116 bbls kcl. 20 bpm 4315 psi. codell 7354'-7374' isip 3712 psi avg press 4151 psi max press 4784 psi 5min 3457 psi avg rate 36.8 bpm max rate 38.3 bpm 10 min 3377 psi RIG UP JW WIRELINE set a Halliburton CFP 7320' & perf A bench 7040'-7042' 4 jspf perf B bench 7143'-7158' 4 jspf 90 deg phase.
Tubing Size:Tubing Setting Depth:
Tubing Packer Depth:Tubing Multiple Packer:
Open Hole Top:Open Hole Bottom:
Initial Test Data:
Test Date:10/13/2011Test Method:flowing
Hours Tested:24Gas Type:
Gas Disposal:SOLD
Test TypeMeasure
BTU_GAS 1233
Perforation Data:
Interval Top:7354 ft.# Of Holes:80
Interval Bottom:7374 ft.Hole Size:0.42 in.

Formation NB-CD                   Formation Classification:  OW                   Status:  PR - 11/1/2024                 Interval Top: 7040 ft.    Interval Bottom: 7374 ft.

 Completed Information for Formation NIOBRARA-CODELL
1st Production Date:N/AChoke Size: 
Formation Name:NIOBRARA-CODELLCommingled:No
Production Method:
Open Hole Completion:
Tubing Size:Tubing Setting Depth:
Tubing Packer Depth:Tubing Multiple Packer:
Open Hole Top:Open Hole Bottom:
No Initial Test Data was found for formation NB-CD.
Perforation Data:
Interval Top:7040 ft.# Of Holes:140
Interval Bottom:7374 ft.Hole Size:

Formation NBRR                     Formation Classification:                       Status:  CM - 10/21/2011                Interval Top: 7040 ft.    Interval Bottom: 7158 ft.

 Completed Information for Formation NIOBRARA
1st Production Date:9/3/2011Choke Size: 
Formation Name:NIOBRARACommingled:Yes
Production Method:
Open Hole Completion:No
Formation Treatment
Treatment Date:8/28/2011
Treatment Summary:formation break 4985 4.4 bpm isip 3398 psi 1 min 3318 psi 5 min 3228 psi. 170 psi leakoff begin acive fluid pad 119 bbls @ 12 bpm pump FR water pad 1429 bbls@50.7 bpm at 4861 psi. pump phaser frac pad 143 bbls @ 50.5 5051 psi. pump phaser frac 167 bbls +7000 #1 ppg 30/50 @50.5 bpm 4664 psi pump phaser frac 786 bbls+66000 #2 ppg 30/50 @50.6 at 4656 psi. pump phaser frac 524 bbls +66000 # 3 ppg 30/50 @ 50.3 bpm at 4557 psi. pump phaser frac 310 bbls +39000 # 3 ppg 30/50@ 50.2 bpm at 4538 psi. pump phaser frac 238 bbls +40,000 # 4 ppg 30/50 @ 50.3 bpm at 4481 psi. pump phaser frac 143 bbls + 24000 # 4ppg 30/50 @ 50.0 bpm at 4458 psi. pump phaser frac 48 bbls +8,000 # 4 ppg SB Excel 20/40 @ 50.6 bpm at 4398 psi. FLUSH 119 bbls KCL. ISIP 3609 PSI 5 min 3403 psi shut well in. avg press 4659 psi max press 5090 psi avg rate 50.5 bpm max rate 51.0 pumped 250.380 # 30/50 Ottawa 8,000 # SB Excel 20/40. 118.8 bbls Acive Fluid Pad . 2452.1 bbls pHaser. LOAD TO RECOVER 4111.4 BBLS
Tubing Size:Tubing Setting Depth:
Tubing Packer Depth:Tubing Multiple Packer:
Open Hole Top:Open Hole Bottom:
Initial Test Data:
Test Date:10/21/2011Test Method:flowing
Hours Tested:24Gas Type:SHALE
Gas Disposal:SOLD
Test TypeMeasure
BTU_GAS 1233
Perforation Data:
Interval Top:7040 ft.# Of Holes:60
Interval Bottom:7158 ft.Hole Size:0.42 in.
Primary Well Designation:
Low Producing      i
            All DesignationsDate
Reported PluggedN 
Out Of Service RepurposedN 
Out Of ServiceN 
Inactive ExceptionN 
Noticed InactiveN 
Defined InactiveN 
Low ProducingYProduction Period
12/2023 - 11/2024

BOE/MCFE/GOR Calculations
Production for Previous 12 Months
December 2023 - November 2024i
Total Oil Produced (Barrels)2
Total Gas Produced (MCF)470
GOR DeterminationMCFE
Average BOE per Day0.226
Average MCFE per Day1.327

 Federal Financial Assurance  i 

 Tribal Well  i No