Wellbore #00 Wellbore Classification: OW Status: PR - 3/1/2019 Measured TD: 6837 ft. Vertical TD: 6768 ft. Wellbore Data for Original Wellbore | Wellbore Classification: OW PR - 3/1/2019 | Wellbore Permit | DIRECTIONAL | Permit #: | | Expiration Date: | 6/9/2012 | Proposed Top PZ Location: | Sec:22 Twp: 2N 103W | Footage: 2500 FNL 2387 FEL | Bottom Hole Location: | Sec:22 Twp: 2N 103W | Footage: 2530 FNL 2371 FEL | Proposed Depth/Form: | 6841 ft. | Surface Mineral Owner Same: | Yes | Mineral Owner: | FEDERAL | Surface Owner: | FEDERAL | Unit: | RANGELY WEBER | Unit Number: | 72370 | Formation And Spacing: | Code: WEBR , Formation: WEBER , Order: , Unit Acreage: , Drill Unit: | Casing: | String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 9.625 in., Top: , Depth: 2000 ft., Weight: 36 , Citings Type: PLANNED | Cement: | Sacks: 770, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 2000 ft. | Casing: | String Type: 1ST, Hole Size: 8.75 in., Size: 7 in., Top: , Depth: 6507 ft., Weight: 23 , Citings Type: PLANNED | Cement: | Sacks: 600, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 6452 ft. |
| | |
Wellbore Completed | Completion Date: | 10/11/2010 | Spud Date: | 9/30/2010 | Spud Date Is: | ACTUAL | Measured TD: | 6837 ft. | Measured PB depth: | 6837 ft. | True Vertical TD: | 6768 ft. | True Vertical PB depth: | 6768 ft. | Top PZ Location: | Sec:22 Twp: 2N 103W | Footage: 2466 FNL 2287 FEL | Bottom Hole Location: | Sec:22 Twp: 2N 103W | Footage: 2455 N 2299 E | Log Types: | CEMENT BOND LOG, VARIABLE DENSITY LOG GAMMA RAY / CASING COLLAR LOCATOR
TRIPLE COMBO LOG ARRAY INDUCTION / SP | Casing: | String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 9.625 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 105 ft., Weight: 40 , Citings Type: ACTUAL | Cement: | Sacks: 663, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 105 ft., Determination Method: CALC | Casing: | String Type: 1ST, Hole Size: 8.75 in., Size: 7 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 6600 ft., Weight: 23 , Citings Type: ACTUAL | Cement: | Sacks: 495, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: 6600 ft., Determination Method: CBL | Formation | Interval Top | Log Bottom | Cored | DSTs | WEBER | 6625 ft. | 6837 ft. | N | N |
Formation WEBR Formation Classification: OW Status: PR - 3/1/2019 Interval Top: 6625 ft. Interval Bottom: 6837 ft. Completed Information for Formation WEBER | 1st Production Date: | N/A | Choke Size: | | Formation Name: | WEBER | Commingled: | No | Production Method: | | Open Hole Completion: | Yes |
| Formation Treatment | Treatment Date: | 11/8/2010 | Treatment Summary: | Frac stimulate Weber in 6 stages w/ 30# Delta 140 rampling 16/30 white sand w/ resin additive. |
| Tubing Size: | | Tubing Setting Depth: | | Tubing Packer Depth: | | Tubing Multiple Packer: | | Open Hole Top: | | Open Hole Bottom: | | Initial Test Data: | Test Date: | 2/8/2011 | Test Method: | Test Vessel | Hours Tested: | 24 | Gas Type: | | Gas Disposal: | | |
Test Type | Measure |
BBLS_H2O | 2759 | BBLS_OIL | 15 | CALC_BBLS_H2O | 2759 | CALC_BBLS_OIL | 15 | CALC_MCF_GAS | 10 | GRAVITY_OIL | 34 | MCF_GAS | 10 |
| Perforation Data: | Interval Top: | 6625 ft. | # Of Holes: | | Interval Bottom: | 6837 ft. | Hole Size: | |
Reported Plugged | N | |
Out Of Service Repurposed | N | |
Out Of Service | N | |
Inactive Exception | N | |
Noticed Inactive | N | |
Defined Inactive | N | |
Low Producing | N | |
Total Oil Produced (Barrels) | 2523 |
Total Gas Produced (MCF) | 0 |
GOR | |
GOR Determination | BOE |
Average BOE per Day | 6.890 |
Average MCFE per Day | 39.964 |
Federal Financial Assurance | i | Y |