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 Surface Location
 API# 05-103-09257
Well Classification: ERIW Status: IJ - 6/3/2022
Well Name/No:UNION PACIFIC #42AX-28
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Federal Or State Lease #:
Facility Status:IJStatus Date6/3/2022
County:RIO BLANCO #103Location:NWNW 28 2N102W 6
Field:RANGELY - #72370Elevation:5292 ft.
Planned Location:531FNL  948 FWLLat/Long: 40.119785 / -108.854315Lat/Long Source: Calculated From Footages
As Drilled Location:Footages Not AvailableLat/Long: 40.119860 / -108.854410Lat/Long Source: Field Measured
 Wellbore And Formation Details -- select either a wellbore Or formation to expand.

Wellbore #00             Wellbore Classification: ERIW             Status: IJ - 6/3/2022             Measured TD: 6554 ft.    Vertical TD: 6554 ft.

 Wellbore Data for Original WellboreWellbore Classification: ERIW        IJ - 6/3/2022
Wellbore Permit
Permit #:850849 Expiration Date:10/30/1985
Proposed Depth/Form:
Surface Mineral Owner Same:Not available
Mineral Owner:FEESurface Owner:Not available
Unit: Unit Number: 
Formation And Spacing:Code: WEBR , Formation: WEBER , Order: 0 , Unit Acreage: 0, Drill Unit:

Wellbore Completed
Completion Date:12/30/1985
Measured TD:6554 ft.Measured PB depth:6520 ft.
True Vertical TD:6554 ft.True Vertical PB depth:
Casing:String Type: SURF, Hole Size: 12.25 in., Size: 9.625 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 2512 ft., Weight: , Citings Type: HISTORICAL
Cement:Sacks: 0, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: , Determination Method:
Casing:String Type: 1ST, Hole Size: 8.75 in., Size: 7 in., Top: 0 ft., Depth: 6551 ft., Weight: , Citings Type: HISTORICAL
Cement:Sacks: 0, Top: 0 ft., Bottom: , Determination Method:
FormationInterval TopLog BottomCoredDSTs
DAKOTA3166 ft.
MORRISON3253 ft.
ENTRADA4085 ft.
NAVAJO4358 ft.
CHINLE4925 ft.
WEBER5806 ft.

Formation WEBR                     Formation Classification:  ERIW                     Status:  SI - 12/1/2024                 Interval Top: 5822 ft.    Interval Bottom: 6454 ft.

 Completed Information for Formation WEBER
1st Production Date:1/10/1986Choke Size: 
Formation Name:WEBERCommingled:No
Production Method:
Open Hole Completion:No
Formation Treatment
Treatment Type:ACID JOB
Treatment Date:5/26/2022Treatment End Date:5/26/2022
Treatment Summary:Pumped 2000 gallons (47.6 bbls) 15% HCl with mutual solvent and 40 bbls fresh water.
Total fluid used in treatment (bbls):87Max pressure during treatment (psi):2400
Total gas used in treatment (mcf):Fluid density (lbs/gal):
Type Of gas:Number Of staged intervals:
Total acid used in treatment (bbls):47Min frac gradient (psi/ft):
Recycled water used in treatment (bbls):Total flowback volume recovered (bbls):
Fresh water used in treatment (bbls):40Disposition method For flowback:
Total proppant used (lbs):Green completions techniques utilized:--
Reason green techniques Not utilized: 
Formation Treatment
Treatment Type:ACID JOB
Treatment Date:4/7/2022Treatment End Date:4/7/2022
Treatment Summary:Pumped 4000 gallons (95.2 bbls) 15% HCl with mutual solvent and 55 bbls fresh water.
Total fluid used in treatment (bbls):150Max pressure during treatment (psi):2400
Total gas used in treatment (mcf):Fluid density (lbs/gal):
Type Of gas:Number Of staged intervals:
Total acid used in treatment (bbls):95Min frac gradient (psi/ft):
Recycled water used in treatment (bbls):Total flowback volume recovered (bbls):
Fresh water used in treatment (bbls):55Disposition method For flowback:
Total proppant used (lbs):Green completions techniques utilized:--
Reason green techniques Not utilized: 
Formation Treatment
Treatment Type:ACID JOB
Treatment Date:1/18/2022Treatment End Date:1/18/2022
Treatment Summary:Pumped 2000 gallons (47.6 bbls) 15% HCl with mutual solvent and 47 bbls fresh water.
Total fluid used in treatment (bbls):94Max pressure during treatment (psi):2400
Total gas used in treatment (mcf):Fluid density (lbs/gal):
Type Of gas:Number Of staged intervals:
Total acid used in treatment (bbls):47Min frac gradient (psi/ft):
Recycled water used in treatment (bbls):Total flowback volume recovered (bbls):
Fresh water used in treatment (bbls):47Disposition method For flowback:
Total proppant used (lbs):Green completions techniques utilized:--
Reason green techniques Not utilized: 
Formation Treatment
Treatment Type:ACID JOB
Treatment Date:10/13/2017Treatment End Date:10/14/2017
Treatment Summary:Pumped 2000 gallons 15% HCl with 110 gallons mutual solvent with 171 bbls fresh water at average 1.8 bpm @ 2120 psi.
Total fluid used in treatment (bbls):218Max pressure during treatment (psi):
Total gas used in treatment (mcf):Fluid density (lbs/gal):
Type Of gas:Number Of staged intervals:
Total acid used in treatment (bbls):47Min frac gradient (psi/ft):
Recycled water used in treatment (bbls):Total flowback volume recovered (bbls):
Fresh water used in treatment (bbls):171Disposition method For flowback:
Total proppant used (lbs):Green completions techniques utilized:--
Reason green techniques Not utilized: 
Formation Treatment
Treatment Date:3/23/2012
Treatment Summary:PUMPED 4000 GALLONS 15% HCL THROUGH COILED TUBING @6520' AT 0.9 BPM @ 1700 PSI
Tubing Size:2.875 in.Tubing Setting Depth:6330 ft.
Tubing Packer Depth:5669 ft.Tubing Multiple Packer:
Open Hole Top:Open Hole Bottom:
No Initial Test Data was found for formation WEBR.
Perforation Data:
Interval Top:5822 ft.# Of Holes:129
Interval Bottom:6454 ft.Hole Size:0.5 in.
Primary Well Designation:
None      i
            All DesignationsDate
Reported PluggedN 
Out Of Service RepurposedN 
Out Of ServiceN 
Inactive ExceptionN 
Noticed InactiveN 
Defined InactiveN 
Low ProducingN 

BOE/MCFE/GOR Calculations
Production for Previous 12 Months
December 2023 - November 2024i
Total Oil Produced (Barrels)0
Total Gas Produced (MCF)45640
GOR DeterminationMCFE
Average BOE per Day21.599
Average MCFE per Day125.275

 Federal Financial Assurance  i 

 Tribal Well  i No