Inspection Type and Status Codes

Listed below are the type and status codes used to identify the type of inspection performed and the status of the facility at time of that inspection by the field inspectors.

Inspection Types
BHBradenhead Test Witnessed
CACementing for Abandon. Witness
CCCementing of Casing Witnessed
COInspection of Public Complaint
DGDrilling Operation Inspection
EREmergency Response
ESEnvironmental Issue or Spill
HRHistorical PA Surface Reclam
IDIdle Producing Well Inspection
MIMIT Injection Well
MTSI/TA Prod Well MIT Test Witns
OIPre Drill Onsite Inspection
PMERF/Bond Project Management
PRProducing Well Inspection
RTRoutine UIC Inspection
SRNew Surface Reclam Inspection
WSWell Stimulation
Inspection Status
ACActive Injection
ALAbandoned Location
AOActive Operation
CACancelled/For Deletion
CIConstruction Inspection
DADry and Abandoned
DMDomestic Well
EGEngineering Inspection
EIEnvironmental Inspection
FRFlood Response
IOInactive Operation
NDNot Drilled
NFNot a Facility
PAPlugged and Abandoned
PDPending Injection Application
RIReclamation Inspection
SIShut In
TATemporarily Abandoned
VPVerbal Plugging
WOWaiting Completion