Order 1V-391 Full Text

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ORDER NO. 1V-391





(Pursuant to Rule 522.b.(3) of the Rules and Regulations of the

 Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2 CCR 404-1)




                        1.         Rule 607.c. requires any gas analysis indicating the presence of hydrogen sulfide (“H2S”) gas shall be reported to the Commission and the local governmental designee (“LGD”).


Garfield County – Parachute Field (NOAV #01726642)


                        2.         In 2009, 2010, and the first six months of 2011, Noble collected H2S information from a variety of different sources in the Parachute Field using different types of tests, including Draeger tubes and gas chromatograph analysis.  These tests indicated the presence of H2S for as many as 147 wells. 


3.         In March 2009, Noble advised the COGCC and Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) that it had encountered H2S.  Noble did not report the test results to the Local Government Designee (LGD) for Garfield County as required by Rule 607.c.


4.         On October 7, 2011, COGCC Staff issued Notice of Alleged Violation (Parachute NOAV”) #01726642 to Noble, citing a violation of Rule 607.c. on the below-described lands where H2S was found to be present:


Township 7 South, Range 94 West, 6th P.M.

            Sections:       5, 8 and 17


            Township 7 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M.

            Sections:       26, 34, 35 and 36


Township 7 South, Range 96 West, 6th P.M.

            Sections:       26 and 35


            Township 8 South, Range 95 West, 6th P.M.

            Sections:       1, 2, 3 and 15


5.         Abatement or Corrective Actions required Noble to provide the COGCC with test results for the Parachute Field where H2S was found to be present, whether by Draeger tube, gas chromatograph, or other test, as well as respond to questions listed in the Parachute NOAV by October 24, 2011. Noble satisfied this requirement on time.


Weld County – Grover Field


6.         At various times during the first eight months of 2011, Noble collected H2S information from a variety of different sources in the Grover Field using different types of tests, including Draeger tubes and gas chromatograph analysis.  These tests indicated the presence of H2S for as many as 78 wells.


7.         On October 3, 2011, Noble advised the COGCC that it had encountered H2S in the Grover Field.  On October 18, 2011, Noble reported the test results to the LGD for Weld County.  The test results were not reported to the COGCC when Noble first became aware of the presence of H2S in March 2011.


8.         On October 7, 2011, COGCC Staff issued Notice of Alleged Violation (“Grover NOAV”) #01726643 to Noble, for failure to provide timely notice to the Weld County LGD for positive test results of hydrogen sulfide as required by Rule 607.c. for Noble wells located in Townships 10, 11, and 12 North, Range 61 West, in Weld County. The Grover NOAV required that corrective actions be taken by December 1, 2011.


9.         Abatement or Corrective Actions required Noble to provide the COGCC with test results for the Grover Field where H2S was found to be present, whether by Draeger tube, gas chromatograph, or other test, as well as respond to questions listed in the Grover NOAV by December 1, 2011. Noble satisfied this requirement on time.


Mitigating Factors


                        10.       Rule 523.d. specifies that any fine may be decreased by application of mitigating factors.  Applicable mitigating factors in the case include:  


a.         Rule 523.d.(2), the violator demonstrated prompt, effective and prudent response to the violation, including assistance to any impacted parties.


b.         Rule 523.d.(3), the violator cooperated with the Commission, or other agencies with respect to the violation.


c.         Rule 523.d.(6), the cost of correcting the violation reduced or eliminated any economic benefit to the violator.


Third Party Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness Program


11.       In lieu of a fine payment, Noble and Staff agree to the following Third Party Hydrogen Sulfide Awareness Program:


                        A.        Noble will retain a qualified third-party firm (“Consultant”) to establish a H2S Awareness Program and create written materials, which can be utilized to educate local government designees (“LGDs”) and first responders about H2S, how it is safely managed in the oil and gas industry, and the precautions to ensure that H2S is properly managed.  The H2S Awareness Program shall include fire protection response, individual H2S protection, chemical information, and potential emergency response procedures related to H2S occurrences.


                        B.        In order to provide H2S awareness outreach to LGDs and first responders, Noble’s Consultant will conduct one (1) presentation of the H2S Awareness Program referenced in subparagraph (a)  in all four (4) quadrants of the State in coordination with COGCC Staff.  The four (4) presentations will also be open to COGCC staff.  Noble and COGCC will encourage industry participation through the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (“COGA”).               


                        C.        After the completion of the one (1) year of the H2S Awareness Program, Noble will provide all final products associated with the H2S Awareness Program to COGA, such that it may be a repository for H2S information for the public and to allow COGA, to the extent it deems appropriate, to continue with an H2S Awareness Program.


                        D.        Noble shall be responsible for all costs of conducting the awareness program described in subparagraphs A and B above and will account to the COGCC staff with respect to the expenditure of funds to support this program up to a total program budget of $50,000.  At the direction of the COGCC, any funds in the program budget not expended by Noble after the one year H2S Awareness Program, if any, shall be paid to COGA for the sole purpose of maintaining and continuing awareness outreach with respect to H2S.


Rule 522.c.(3) Disclaimer


12.       Noble agrees to the findings set forth in this AOC only for the purpose of expeditiously resolving these matters without a contested hearing.  Notwithstanding the above, and pursuant to Rule 522.c.(3), Noble does not admit to any factual or legal determinations made by the Commission herein, and fully reserves it right to contest the same in any future action or proceeding, other than a proceeding to enforce this AOC.




NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that in exchange for resolving the proposed NOAVs, Noble shall institute the awareness program as set forth above and shall arrange for such program to be completed within one year of the date that this AOC is accepted by the Commission.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Noble shall execute this Administrative Order by Consent no later than fourteen (14) days after the date it is executed by the COGCC Staff for recommendation of expedited approval by the Commission.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that under the State Administrative Procedure Act, the Commission consider this order to be final agency action for purposes of judicial review within 30 days after the date this order is mailed by the Commission.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the provisions contained in the above order shall become effective immediately. 


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission expressly reserves its right after Notice and Hearing to alter, amend or repeal any or all of the above orders. 


     Recommended this  25th   day of July, 2012.


Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado




        Peter J. Gowen, Enforcement Officer


Agreed to and accepted this ___ day of ___________, 2012.


Noble Energy, Inc.




      Signature of Authorized Company







The Commission heard this matter on August 20, 2012, in Suite 801, The Chancery Building, 1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, Colorado, and approved this Administrative Order by Consent. It is now a binding Order of the Commission.


ENTERED this 30th day of August 2012, as of the   20th  day of August, 2012.  


                                                                        OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION

                        OF THE STATE OF COLORADO




                                                                                    Robert J. Frick, Secretary


Dated at Suite 801

1120 Lincoln Street

Denver, Colorado 80203