Order Search

Return Count: 8
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
1124607-16-197938300IGNACIO BLANCODK-MR, FRPCL, MVRDAuthorizes the drilling of an additional well for the production of gas from the Pictured Cliffs and Mesaverde formations on each established 320 acre drilling and spacing unit in the spaced area. The additional well to be located in the undrilled quarter section no closer than 990 feet to the boundaries of the quarter section. In addition three (3) additional wells are authorized to be drilled for production of gas from the Dakota formation on each established 640 acre unit in the spaced area. Additional wells to be located on each undrilled quarter section no closer than 990 feet to the boundaries. An additional well for each zone allowed on the units in fractional sections located no closer than 990 feet to another producing well.
1126108-15-198838300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCAmends parts of Order No. 112 60 and establishes additional rules for the production of coalbed methane.
11214810-19-199838300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request to allow a total of eighteen (18) wells to be drilled in various 320-acre drilling and spacing units as additional wells for production from the Fruitland coal seams, with the permitted wells to be located no closer than 990 feet to any outer boundary of the section and no closer than 130 feet to any interior quarter section line. Continues one (1) well to the December hearing.
11215604-25-200038300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request by Amoco Production Company, J.M. Huber Corporation, Hallwood Petroleum Inc., Four Star Oil & Gas Co., EnerVest San Juan Operating, LLC, for an order to allow the drilling of additional wells on certain drilling and spacing units in Township 34 North, Ranges 6-9 West and Township 35 North, Ranges 6-9 West, N.M.P.M. north of the Ute Line.
11215704-25-200038300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request by Amoco Production Company, Red Willow Production Company, J.M. Huber Corporation, Hallwood Petroleum Inc, SG Interests I, Ltd., Four Star Oil & Gas Co., Vastar Resources Inc., EnerVest San Juan Operating, LLC, Pablo Operating Company, Petrogulf Corp., Elm Ridge Resources, Maralex Resources Inc., and Don Gosney, for an order to allow the drilling of additional wells on certain 320-acre drilling and spacing units in Township 32 North, Ranges 5-7 West, Township 33 North, Ranges 6-11 West, and Township 34 North, Ranges 6-10 West, N.M.P.M., south of the Ute Line.
11219007-10-200638300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request for an order to allow up to four (4) wells to be optionally drilled in the 320-acre drilling and spacing units for certain lands in Townships 32 through 34 North, Ranges 6 through 9 West, N.M.P.M., with the permitted well to be located no closer than 660 feet from the unit boundary, for the production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Fruitland coal seams.
11221412-09-200838300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request for an order to allow up to four optional wells in certain 320-acre drilling and spacing units, with the permitted well to be located no closer than 660 feet from the unit boundary and with no setback any interior quarter section line, for certain lands in Townships 34 and 35 North, Ranges 6 through 8 West, N.M.P.M., for production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Fruitland coal seams.
11223611-15-201238300IGNACIO BLANCOFRLDCApproves the request for an order to amend Order No. 112-138 by adopting a revised plan of development and operation for the Fruitland Coal Seam Formation.