Order Search

Return Count: 3
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
407238303-19-2018  NBCDCLApproves Great Western Operating Company, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Establish an approximate 1,280-acre drilling and spacing unit for Sections 13 and 24, Township 1 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M. with one horizontal well to develop and recover the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Codell, Carlile and Niobrara Formations in the unit.
407244304-30-2018  NBCDCLApproves pooling all interests within an approximate 1,280-acre drilling and spacing unit, for the development and operation of the Niobrara, Codell, and Carlile Formations.
467809-16-199190750WATTENBERGJSNDApproves special field rules established for certain areas in Township 1 South, Range 68 West, for production from the "J" Sand, Codell and Niobrara Formations.