Order Search

Return Count: 6
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
407182710-24-2016  NB-CDApproves Extraction Oil & Gas, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Establish one approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the Application Lands, and approve up to a total of ten horizontal wells within the unit, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Codell and Niobrara Formations.
407190203-20-2017  NB-CDApproves Ward Petroleum Corporation’s request for an order to among other things: Establish an approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the E½ of Section 2 and Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M., and approve up to 12 horizontal wells within the unit, for production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Codell and Niobrara Formations.
407221410-30-2017  NB-CDApproves Extraction Oil & Gas, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Amend Order No. 407-1827 to require the productive interval of the wellbore of any permitted wells in the established 640-acre drilling and spacing unit to be located no closer than 150 feet from the treated interval of any other wellbore producing from the Codell and/or Niobrara formations, and no closer than 460 feet from the northern and eastern unit boundaries and 150 feet from the southern and western unit boundaries, without exception being granted by the Director.
407302902-26-2020  NBRRAmong other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: Pursuant to the provisions of §34-60-116, C.R.S., all interests in the designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit established for the Application Lands are hereby pooled, for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation, effective as the date the Application was filed.
407345305-10-2023  NB-CDAmong other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of § 34-60-116, C.R.S., additional parties are hereby subject to Order No. 407-3250, which pooled all interests in the drilling and spacing unit established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Niobrara and Codell Formations, effective as of the date the Application was filed. Township 1 South, Range 68 West, 6th P.M. Section 2: E½ Section 11: E½
467809-16-199190750WATTENBERGJSNDApproves special field rules established for certain areas in Township 1 South, Range 68 West, for production from the "J" Sand, Codell and Niobrara Formations.