232 | 23 | 10-19-1981 | 90750 | WATTENBERG | JSND | Amends Order 232 20 and allows drilling of an additional well on each 320 acre unit in the area not included in Order 232 20. |
305 | 1 | 01-20-1976 | 77775 | SPACE CITY | DJSND | Establishes 80 acre units for production of oil and associated hydrocarbons from the "D" and "J" Sands underlying certain lands in Weld County. Units shall consist of the E2 and W/2, and the N2 and S2 of each quarter section, and permitted well to be located in the center of the NE4 and SW4 of each quarter section with tolerance of 150 feet. Exception for well #1 Eppinger located in the NW4 SE4 SW4 Section 31 T1N R65W. Commingling of production from "D" and "J" Sands to be allowed. |
305 | 2 | 01-05-1998 | 77775 | SPACE CITY | JSND | Approves the request to establish a 320-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of the W½ for production of gas and associated hydrocarbons from the "J" Sand Formation for the Lochbuie No. 1 Well, Section 31, Township 1 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., originally drilled for production of oil from the "J" Sand Formation, as permitted well for the, and to segregate the 320-acre drilling and spacing unit into two 160 acre drilling and spacing units consisting of the NW¼ and the SW¼ of Section 31; and further segregate the NW¼ into two 80 acre drilling and spacing units consisting of the W½ NW¼ and the E½ NW¼ of Section 31, with the Lochbuie No. 1 Well designated the permiited well for the 80-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of W½ NW¼ of Section 31. |
407 | 87 | 02-19-1992 | | | CODL, NB-CD, NBRR | Approves the request to establish spacing for the Niobrara Formation for certain lands previously spaced for the Codell Formation and to allow the downhole commingling of production from the Codell and Niobrara Formations. |
407 | 1040 | 06-17-2014 | | | CODL | Approves Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc’s request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 160-acre wellbore spacing unit established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Codell Formation, effective as of the date of the Application. |
407 | 1041 | 06-17-2014 | | | NB-CD | Approves Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.’s request for an order to pool all interests in three approximate 320-acre wellbore spacing units established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations, effective as of the date of the Application. |
407 | 1042 | 06-17-2014 | | | NB-CD | Approves Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.’s request for an order to pool all interests in two approximate 320-acre wellbore spacing units established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations, effective as of the date of the Application. |
407 | 1758 | 07-19-2016 | | | NB-CD | Approves HRM Resources II, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Establish an approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing unit for the Application Lands, and authorize the drilling of up to six (6) horizontal wells within the proposed unit, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Codell and Niobrara Formations. |
407 | 1786 | 08-29-2016 | | | NB-CD | Approves HRM Resources II, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Pool all interests in an approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing unit established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations. |
407 | 2151 | 07-24-2017 | | | NBRR | Approves HRM Resources II, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Pool all interests in an approximate 640-acre horizontal wellbore spacing unit, established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation. |
407 | 2157 | 07-24-2017 | | | NB-CD | Approves HRM Resources II, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Declare Order No. 407-1786 applicable to a previously unnoticed and interested party, and apply the cost recovery provisions thereof to that party and to additional non-consenting parties. |
407 | 2957 | 11-20-2019 | | | NB-CD | Among other things: an approximate 2,560-acre drilling and spacing unit for the Application Lands is hereby established, and a total of up to 32 new horizontal wells within the unit are hereby approved, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara and Codell Formations. |
407 | 3297 | 02-23-2022 | | | NB-CD | Among other things approves an order pooling all interests in the drilling and spacing unit established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Niobrara and Codell Formations, effective as of the date the Application was filed. |
407 | 3650 | 09-18-2024 | | | NFCC | Among other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
1. Order No. 407-2957 is hereby modified to include the Fort Hays and Carlile Formations, in addition to the Niobrara and Codell Formations, in an approximate 2,560-acre drilling and spacing unit established by Order No. 407-2957, for the production of oil, gas, and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara, Fort Hays, Codell, and Carlile Formations.
Township 1 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M.
Section 30: E½
Section 31: E½
Township 1 South, Range 65 West, 6th P.M.
Section 6: All
Section 7: All
Township 1 South, Range 66 West, 6th P.M.
Section 1: E½
Section 12: E½
499 | 15 | 11-16-1992 | 90750 | WATTENBERG | DKTA | Approves the Commission motion to establish 320-acre drilling and spacing units for certain lands previously not spaced in the lands covered by Cause No. 232, for production from the Dakota Formation, to provide for procedures to obtain exceptions to the permitted well locations and to allow the recompletion and downhole commingling of production from the Dakota, "J" Sand, Codell, Niobrara, Sussex and Shannon Formations. |