Order Search

Return Count: 6
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
40772110-01-2012  NBRRApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 320-acre designated wellbore spacing unit consisting of the E½ of Section 21, Township 6 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation.
40772310-01-2012  NBRRApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 480-aacre designated wellbore spacing unit consisting of certain lands in Sections 21, 22 27 and 28, Township 6 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the drilling of the Five M E28-69HN Well, for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation.
40773901-07-2013  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 320-acre designated wellbore spacing unit established for certain lands in Section 21, Township 6 North, Range 65 West, 6th P.M., for the development and operation of the Codell-Niobrara Formation.
407102104-28-2014  CODLApproves the request for an order to among other things: 1) Vacate Order No. 407-991 as to the pooling of the Storis E24-73-1HNA well in WSU #3 and the Storis E24-73-1HNC well in WSU #4. 2) Pool all interests in two approximate 400-acre designated wellbore spacing units for the development and operation of the Codell Formation.
410303-17-198632760GREELEYNB-CDAllows additional well to be drilled at option of operator on each 80 acre unit for production from Codell and Niobrara.
464301-16-1990  PRKMAmends Order No. 464 1 by increasing the spaced area for the production of oil from the Parkman formation found under Sections 26, 27, 35 and 36 T6N R65W 6th PM.