229 | 2 | 05-18-1971 | 40590 | JAMBOREE | DJSND | Adds and deletes certain lands from the spaced area for production of oil from the "D" Sand as established by Rule 2 of Order 229 1. Establishes 80 acre drilling and spacing units for the production of oil and associated hydrocarbons from the "D" and "J" Sands. Each such drilling unit shall be the E2 and W2 or the N2 and S2 of each quarter section, and the permitted well for each such unit shall be located in the C NE4 SW4 of each quarter section with a tolerance of 200 feet in any direction. Provides that where the production of oil and associated casinghead gas are found in commercial quantities in the same well bore in both the "D" and "J" Sand reservoirs, they may be commingled in the well bore. Commingling in future wells will be approved by the Director with certain exceptions or limitations. |
407 | 87 | 02-19-1992 | | | CODL, NB-CD, NBRR | Approves the request to establish spacing for the Niobrara Formation for certain lands previously spaced for the Codell Formation and to allow the downhole commingling of production from the Codell and Niobrara Formations. |