393 | 1 | 12-20-1982 | 10775 | CHALICE | JSND | Establishes 160 acre units for gas and associated hydrocarbons from "J" Sand lands in Arapahoe County. Permitted well no closer than 600 feet from Unit boundaries and no closer than 2400 feet from another well. Existing wells and locations permitted wells. |
393 | 2 | 10-29-2018 | 10775 | CHALICE | JSND | |
535 | 98 | 12-12-2011 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves the request for an order establishing an approximate 640 acre drilling and spacing unit for Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 64 West 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas, and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara Formation.
535 | 738 | 08-29-2016 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves Bison Oil & Gas, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Establish one approximate 960-acre drilling and spacing unit for the Application Lands, and approve up to three horizontal wells within the unit, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara Formation. |
535 | 756 | 12-12-2016 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves Bison Oil & Gas, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Pool all interests in an approximate 960-acre drilling and spacing unit established for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation.
Application lands: Township 4 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 15: W½ Section 16: All
535 | 791 | 06-12-2017 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves Bison Oil & Gas, LLC’s request for an order to among other things: Amend Order No. 535-738 to approve up to 12 horizontal wells within an established 960-acre drilling and spacing unit comprised of the Application Lands for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara Formation. |
535 | 904 | 12-11-2017 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves ConocoPhillips Company’s request for an order to among other things: Establish an approximate 960-acre drilling and spacing unit for Sections 14 and the E½ of Section 15, Township 4 South, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., and allowing up to four (4) new horizontal wells in the unit in order to efficiently and economically develop and recover the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from of the Niobrara Formation in the unit. |
535 | 908 | 12-11-2017 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves ConocoPhillips Company’s request for an order to among other things: Pool all interests in the Application Lands underlying an approximate 960-acre drilling and spacing unit established for the Application Lands, for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation. |