Order Search

Return Count: 13
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
23232605-29-201290750WATTENBERGJSNDApproves the request for an order to establish an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”) consisting of the E½ SE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Condell and Niobrara Formations, and establish an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”) consisting of the SE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the “J” Sand Formation.
23232705-29-201290750WATTENBERGJSND Approves the request for an order to establish an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”) consisting of the E½ NE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Condell and Niobrara Formations; and establish an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”) consisting of the NE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the “J” Sand Formation.
23232805-29-201290750WATTENBERGJSNDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”), for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations, and pool all interests in an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”), for the development and operation of the "J" Sand Formation consisting of certain lands in Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the Walcker AB12-08 Well (API No. 05-123-34272).
23232905-29-201290750WATTENBERGJSNDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”), for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations and pool all interests in an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit(“DSU #2”), for the development and operation of the "J" Sand Formation consisting of certain lands in Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the Walcker AB12-09 Well (API No. 05-123-34271).
40762705-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to establish an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”) consisting of the E½ SE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Condell and Niobrara Formations, and establish an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”) consisting of the SE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the “J” Sand Formation.
40762805-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to establish an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of the W½ SW¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Condell and Niobrara Formations.
40762905-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to establish an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”) consisting of the E½ NE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Condell and Niobrara Formations; and establish an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”) consisting of the NE¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the “J” Sand Formation.
40763005-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #1”), for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations, and pool all interests in an approximate 160-acre drilling and spacing unit (“DSU #2”), for the development and operation of the "J" Sand Formation consisting of certain lands in Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the Walcker AB12-08 Well (API No. 05-123-34272).
40763105-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of the W½ SW¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the Walcker AB12-12 Well (API No. 05-123-31709), for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations.
40763205-29-2012  NB-CDApproves the request for an order to pool all interests in an approximate 80-acre drilling and spacing unit consisting of the W½ SW¼ of Section 12, Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M., to accommodate the Walcker AB12-12 Well (API No. 05-123-31709), for the development and operation of the Codell and Niobrara Formations.
407277903-11-2019  NFCCAmong other things approves an order An approximate 1,280-acre drilling and spacing unit for the below-described lands, is hereby established, and a total of up to 16 horizontal wells within the unit, are hereby approved, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara, Fort Hays, Codell, and Carlile Formations:
407367512-04-2024  NFCCAmong other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. An Oil and Gas Development Plan is hereby approved for the Application Lands and 150 new horizontal wells are hereby authorized within the Application Lands, for the production of oil, gas, and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara, Fort Hays, Codell, and Carlile Formations. Surface Lands: AC20-25 Pad (Location ID 488649) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 20: NE¼SW¼ AC29-06 Pad (Location ID 488652) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 29: SE¼NW¼ AC18-12 Pad (Location ID 488655) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 18: NW¼SW¼ AC18-18 Facility (Location ID 488651) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 18: NW¼NE¼ AB02-11 Pad (Location ID 488653) Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 2: NE¼SW¼ AB11-04 Pad (Location ID 488654) Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 11: SW¼NW¼ AC05-08 Pad (Location ID 488650) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 5: SE¼NE¼  AC09-33 Pad (Location ID 488656) Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 9: NW¼SW¼ Mineral Development: DP800 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 2: W½ Section 3: All DP801 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: All Section 2: E½ DP802 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 9: All Section 10: All DP803 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 11: All Section 12: All DP807 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 13: All Section 14: N½ DP808 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 16: W½ Section 17: All Section 18: Lots 1-4, E½W½, E½ (All) DP818 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 4: Lots 1-4, S½N½, S½ (All) Section 9: All DP820 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 5: Lots 1-4, S½N½, S½ (All) Section 6: Lots 1-7, S½NE¼, SE¼NW¼, E½SW¼, SE¼ (All)  DP822 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 30: Lots 1-4, E½W½, W½ (All) Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 25: All DP823 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 29: All Section 32: All DP821 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 19: Lots 1-4, E½W½, E½ (All) Section 20: W½W½ Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 23: E½ Section 24: All DP826 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 7: All Section 8: All DP827 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 20: E½, E½W½ Section 21: All
407367612-04-2024  NFCCAmong other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Order Nos. 407-2706, 407-2736, 407-2739, 407-2779, 407-2970, 407-2971, 407-2997, 407-2998, 407-2962, 407-2964, 407-2961, and 407-3021, as to drilling and spacing units identified as DP800, DP801, DP802, DP803, DP807, DP808, DP818, DP820, DP822, DP823, DP821, and DP826, are hereby amended to reduce to 12 the number of wells permitted by each order, with no more than four wells targeting the Codell Formation. DP800  approximate 960-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2706 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 2: W½ Section 3: All DP801  approximate 960-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2736 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: All Section 2: E½ DP802  approximate 1,280-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2739 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 9: All Section 10: All DP803  approximate 1,280-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2779 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 11: All Section 12: All  DP807  approximate 960-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2970 Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 13: All Section 14: N½ DP808  approximate 1,594.80-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2971 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 16: W½ Section 17: All Section 18: Lots 1-4, E½W½, E½ (All) DP818  approximate 1,279.68-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2997 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 4: Lots 1-4, S½N½, S½ (All) Section 9: All DP820  approximate 1,272.67-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2998 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 5: Lots 1-4, S½N½, S½ (All) Section 6: Lots 1-7, S½NE¼, SE¼NW¼, E½SW¼, SE¼ (All) DP822  approximate 1,276.20-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2962 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 30: Lots 1-4, E½W½, W½ (All) Township 7 North, Range 64 West, 6th P.M. Section 25: All DP823  approximate 1,280-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-2964 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 29: All Section 32: All DP821  approximate 1,754.40-acre DSU to be established by amended Order No. 407-2961 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 19: Lots 1-4, E½W½, E½ (All) Section 20: W½W½ DP826  approximate 1,280-acre DSU established by Order No. 407-3021 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 7: All Section 8: All DP827  approximate 1,120-acre DSU to be established by amended Order No. 407-2933 Township 7 North, Range 63 West, 6th P.M. Section 20: E½, E½W½ Section 21: All