407 | 945 | 03-17-2014 | | | NB-CD | Approves the request for an order to: 1) maintain two approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing units established for Sections 34 and 35, Township 6 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M., for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons produced from existing wells completed in the Niobrara Formation; 2) vacate Order Nos. 407-821 and 535-381; 3) establish an approximate 1,280-acre drilling and spacing unit for Section 34 and 35, Township 6 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M., and approve a total of up to 16 horizontal wells, within the unit, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara Formation. |
407 | 3311 | 03-30-2022 | | | NFCC | Among other things approves the Bonanza Creek Energy Operating Company, LLC (Operator No. 8960) application for Five drilling and spacing units, totaling 1,365.21-acres, for the Application Lands are hereby established, and 11 horizontal wells are approved within the unit, for the production of oil, gas, and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara, Fort Hays, Codell, and Carlile Formation. |
407 | 3607 | 05-01-2024 | | | NBRR | Among other things IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
1. Pursuant to the provisions of C.R.S. § 34-60-116, all interests in the designated horizontal wellbore spacing units established for the Application Lands are hereby pooled, for the development and operation of the Niobrara Formation, effective as of the earlier of the date of the Application, or the date that any of the costs specified in C.R.S. § 34-60-116(7)(b)(II), are first incurred for the drilling of the Wells.
2. The production obtained from each designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit shall be allocated to each owner in the unit on the basis of the proportion that the number of acres in such tract bears to the total number of mineral acres within the designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit; each owner of an interest in the designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit shall be entitled to receive the owners share of the production of the Well located on the designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit applicable to owners interest in the designated horizontal wellbore spacing unit.
WSU #1-Purcell 6-62-25-6401BB Well
Township 6 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.
Section 13: SW¼SW¼
Section 14: SE¼SE¼
Section 23: E½E½
Section 24: W½W½
Section 25: W½W½
Section 26: E½E½
WSU #1-Purcell 6-62-25-5708BB Well
Township 6 North, Range 61 West, 6th P.M.
Section 18: SW¼SW¼
Section 19: W½W½
Section 30: W½W½
Township 6 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.
Section 13: SE¼SE¼
Section 24: E½E½
Section 25: E½E½
WSU #3-Purcell 6-62-35-0801BB Well
Township 6 North, Range 62 West, 6th P.M.
Section 26: S½S½
Section 27: S½S½
Section 34: N½N½
Section 35: N½N½
535 | 4 | 02-22-2011 | 85251 | UNNAMED | NBRR | Approves the request for an order to establish seventy-four (74) approximate 640-acre drilling and spacing units for certain lands in Townships 4, 5 and 6 North, Ranges 61 and 62, 6th P.M., and allow one horizontal well in each unit, for the production of oil, gas and associated hydrocarbons from the Niobrara Formation.
Approves the request to correct Order No. 535-4 by correcting references to Rule 318.a. to Rule 318A, and correcting the boundary setbacks from 600 feet to 460 feet, consistent with Rule 318A. |