Order Search

Return Count: 3
Cause NumberOrder NumberOrder DateField CodeField NameFormationDescription
285409-21-197677750SOUTH CANYONDK-CMAmends Order 285 1, as corrected, to include production of gas from stratigraphic zone defined as being between top of the Dakota formation to the top of the Morrison formation.
285504-17-197877750SOUTH CANYONDKTA, MRSNAmends Order 285 12 and includes the production of gas from the Morrison formation underlying the 320 acre units in a portion of the South Canyon Area. Also establishes, for additional area in the South Canyon Area not previously spaced, 320 acre units for production of gas from the Dakota and Morrison formations. Each unit the N2 and S2 or the E2 and W2 of a section with the permitted well located no closer than 300 feet from boundaries, and no closer than 1620 feet from another well.
285901-13-198877750SOUTH CANYONDK-CM, DK-MR, DKCMM, MRSNExtends 320 acre spacing units for production from the Morrow formation; allows additional well to be drilled on certain 320 acre units for production from the Dakota and Morrison formations; deletes lands that are located in federal units and established irregular size and shape units for lands surrounding the unit boundaries, and allows downhole commingling of production from the Dakota and Morrison formations.